Frequently Asked Questions
As indicated in the Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy, the University will not pursue the conduct process for alleged violations of the University’s alcohol and other drug policies against a student who reports or seeks assistance after experiencing an incident of sexual assault or other sexual harassment. Your safety, security, and wellbeing are our priority after you have experienced sexual violence.
As Mandated Reporters, Public Safety staff are required to share any reports of sexual harassment with the Title IX Coordinator.
Related to their work, the Clery Act requires that all sex offenses, including sexual assaults, be made known to the campus community through the
Annual Security and Fire Safety Report (Clery Report)
published each year by October 1. Under the Violence Against Women Act, crimes of domestic violence, dating violence and stalking must also be reported in the Annual Crime Report. The report does not include any information that identifies any of the involved individuals.In addition, where it is determined that the incident may pose a serious, ongoing threat to members of the University community, the Clery Act requires the University to provide a timely warning so that members of the University community are informed and may take steps to protect themselves from harm, if necessary. In the event a timely warning is deemed necessary, a mass notification email, referred to as a Crime Alert, is sent to all students and employees on campus and is posted on the University’s website. Crime Alerts may also be posted in the residence halls and various other buildings on campus, and are typically posted in the lobby/entrance area of the building(s) for several days. Updates to the University community about any particular case resulting in a Crime Alert may be distributed via email.
Under federal and state law, Elmhurst University is obligated to provide Complainants with concise information regarding their rights and options. Upon receiving a report of sexual harassment, the Title IX Coordinator will respond to the report or refer the case to the appropriate Deputy Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator will then request an in-person meeting with the Complainant to review their rights and options. If a Complainant does not wish to meet with the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator, these rights and options will be emailed to the Complainant. If a Complainant chooses to not initially meet with the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinator, they are still permitted to request to meet with them at any future time.
The University strongly supports a Complainant’s interest in confidentiality in cases involving sexual harassment. To the extent possible, the University will only disclose information regarding alleged incidents of sexual harassment to individuals who are responsible for handling the University’s response.
If you request that your name not be disclosed to the alleged perpetrator, or that no investigation or formal grievance process be pursued, the Title IX Coordinator will evaluate whether the University can honor the request while still providing a safe and nondiscriminatory environment for all students. The University will consider in particular whether there are any circumstances that suggest that there is an increased risk of the alleged perpetrator committing additional acts of sexual harassment or other violence (e.g., whether there have been other sexual harassment complaints about the same alleged perpetrator).
Regardless of the University’s decision, the University will take appropriate interim or remedial measures to protect your safety and the safety of other members of the University community.
The University provides educational programming and training designed to promote the prevention and awareness of sexual harassment and retaliation.
At the start of each academic year, all students and employees are notified of the Non-Discrimination and Non-Harassment Policy via their Elmhurst University email. Additionally, all students and employees are issued an online training course for sexual harassment prevention that focuses on the definition of consent; the definition of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking; safe options for bystander intervention; information on risk reduction and warning signs of abusive behavior; reporting obligations and options; privacy of Complainant reporting; and other relevant information.
All first-year students participate in an in-person presentation through their First Year Seminar covering prohibited behaviors, bystander intervention, and reporting processes at 59 the institution. Workshops, trainings, and other prevention and awareness campaigns occur throughout the year at the request of students, student organizations, employees, or specific offices on campus. The institution periodically conducts campus climate surveys to assess student perceptions of the institution’s work related to sexual harassment prevention and response. The University’s Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT) also supports continued improvement to training, prevention, and education within the campus community.
If you have questions about training and education or are interested in getting involved with initiatives on campus, contact Cortney Matuszak, Title IX Coordinator, at [email protected].
Updated July 2022