
Learn Side by Side with the Experts

Faculty members at Elmhurst University enjoy having you involved in every step of their research projects. Not only does this allow you to form relationships with educational mentors, but also helps you to learn by doing.

  • Creative and Scholarly Endeavors (CASE) Program. The CASE program allows current Elmhurst University students to participate in a summer fellowship to complete a scholarly or creative project under the guidance of a faculty mentor.
  • KEYSTONE (KEYs to Success Through year ONE) Program. Available to first-year and transfer students considering a career in the STEM fields, the KEYSTONE program offers special courses and seminars to support academic growth.
  • Research and Performance Showcase. This yearly showcase allows students from across the academic disciplines to share their accomplishments and demonstrate talents before a live audience.
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB). The Elmhurst University IRB has been established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted at or sponsored by Elmhurst University.

Research Opportunities Abound

Working in the psychology department during his first year led Mike White ’18 on an Elmhurst journey full of research opportunities.

Making Connections

A chemistry research project helped Hannah Henderson ’18 find her passion for the field.

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