Academic Schools
and Departments

Dive Deep Into Your Interests

Elmhurst offers more than 70 majors and 15 graduate programs that combine rigorous coursework with a focus on real-world experience.

At Elmhurst, you’ll have the flexibility to follow your passions, no matter which field of study they fall under. You choose the path your studies will take, and we provide the support you need to travel that path.

Our departments and programs are housed in six academic schools. Click on the school names below to visit each school’s webpage.


The Elmhurst University Jazz Band performs during the University's annual June Jazz outdoor concert.

School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

The SAHSS houses a wide variety of majors and programs for students to explore what they are passionate about.

Academic Departments within the SAHSS


Elmhurst College MBA students Anna Schaefer, front, and Brian Pollastrini participate in their market research practicum class.

School of Business

The School of Business is home to a number of popular undergraduate majors and the Elmhurst MBA program.

Elmhurst University occupational therapy students performing a simulation in a classroom modeled to look like an apartment.

School of Health Sciences

The University’s nursing and health sciences programs reside here. Explore public health, communication sciences and disorders, occupational therapy and more.

Academic Departments within the SHS


An Elmhurst University graduate student in Computer Information Technology laughs while Prof. Ali Ghane points to a computer screen.

School of Science, Technology and Mathematics

Dive into all that Elmhurst has to offer in the fields of science, technology and mathematics.

Academic Departments within the SSTM


A woman stands at the front of the class and points to a whiteboard.

School of Graduate Studies

The School of Graduate Studies supports the University’s robust graduate student population and its master’s degree and certificate programs.

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