August 30, 2023

Dear students and colleagues,

It is with a heavy heart that I inform you that one of our students, Dylan Moran, passed away earlier today at his home in Addison.

We offer our deepest condolences to Dylan’s family and friends, and mourn the loss of such a young and promising life.

Dylan was a junior, an exercise science major and a standout athlete on the men’s cross country team. More than that, he was a great friend to many on our campus, and a beloved son and brother to his family.

If you know any of Dylan’s teammates, coaches, professors, family and friends, I hope you will reach out to them with comfort and support during this profoundly difficult time.

And if you need help and support yourself, please seek it out, whether from those you’re closest to or from among the resources we offer, including:

For all students, faculty and staff

We all have access to TAO, an online mental health platform that provides a variety of resources for understanding and managing mental health issues, including help with grief and loss. To access TAO, go to and log in using your Elmhurst University e-mail, e-number and password. TAO can also be accessed via the myElmhurst portal.

For students

  • Uwill offers undergraduate students free, immediate access to both teletherapy and a mental health crisis line. 
    • To schedule teletherapy, students can register/login to Uwill and choose a therapist based on their preferences, and also choose a time that fits their schedule.
    • To reach the mental health crisis line, call (833) 646-1526 for help 24/7/365 (If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911). 
  • Counseling Services in the Wellness Center, Niebuhr Hall, (630) 617-3565,
  • Office of Student Support Services and Intervention, Frick Center, Room 227, (630) 617-5790
  • Office of the Chaplain, West Hall, (630) 617-3025 (office) or (630) 926-8028 (cell)
  • Department of Public Safety, lower level of Lehmann Hall, across from Langhorst Field. Officers are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at (630) 617-3000.

For employees

Human Resources reminds employees that help is available through our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) with Perspectives. This includes in-the-moment counseling support or one-hour counseling sessions that you may schedule. You may reach Perspectives by phone or text message 24/7 at 1-800-456-6327 to be connected with a counselor.

The EAP is a free and confidential service, and is available to all employees. You may access information online at (Sign in with Username: elmhurstedu and Password: perspectives). Contact Human Resources by email at or by phone at (630) 617-3016 if you have any questions.

Please look out for each other and take care.

Best, – Troy

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