Major in Interdisciplinary Communication Studies
This powerful, self-designed major enables students to acquire a foundation in communication arts and sciences, and then hone their skills and understanding toward a specific area of endeavor.
Please note that the interdisciplinary communication studies major is being discontinued after the Fall Term of 2019. Consider exploring opportunities in:
The interdisciplinary communication studies major is an integrated major recommended for students who wish to prepare for occupations in mass media, journalism, advertising, human resources and similar fields. All students take a core of eight courses and then, with the assistance of an academic advisor, select appropriate courses from an area of concentration. At least three of the courses in the area of concentration must be at the 300 or 400 level.
Core Courses
- ART 113 Introduction to Art Software
- ART 325 Visual Communication
- COM 114 Interpersonal Communication
- COM 213 Public Speaking
- COM 316 Communication Theory
- COM 490 Senior Seminar: Topics in Communication or COM 498 Internship Capstone
- ENG 201 Composition III: Classical Rhetorics and Contemporary Discourse
- ENG 303 Business and Technical Writing
A core course cannot be counted as one of the courses required in an area of concentration.
Areas of Concentration
Required Courses
- COM 211 Media and Society and
- ENG 305 News Writing
Three additional courses chosen from:
- ART 125 Design Studio
- ART 216 Introduction to Graphic Design
- ART 217 Digital Video Studio
- ART 316 Graphic Design I
- ART 317 Intermediate Digital Video
- ART 342 Survey History of Modern Art
- COM 260 Media Writing
- COM 411 Media Seminar
- COM 413 Presentation Skills Practicum
- COM 419 Business and Professional Communication in Online Contexts
- COM 468 Internship
- ENG 306 Feature Writing
A minimum of two departments must be represented in the
selection of courses.
Required Courses
- BUS 230 Principles of Marketing
- BUS 334 Advertising and Integrated Marketing Campaigns
Three additional courses chosen from:
- ART 125 Design Studio
- ART 216 Introduction to Graphic Design
- ART 316 Graphic Design I
- ART 318 Intermediate Digital Imaging
- ART 342 Survey History of Modern Art
- ART 416 Advanced Graphic Design
- BUS 250 Management Theory and Practice
- BUS 263 Accounting and Financial Management for Non-Business Majors
- BUS 331 Sales
- BUS 335 Consumer Behavior
- COM 211 Media and Society
- COM 260 Media Writing
- COM 315 Intercultural Communication
- COM 317 Persuasive Communication
- COM 413 Presentation Skills Practicum
- COM 419 Business and Professional Communication in Online Contexts
- COM 420 Ethics in Communication
- COM 468 Internship
- PSY 303 Social Psychology
A minimum of two departments must be represented in the
selection of courses.
ART 125, 216, 316, 416; BUS 335; and COM 468/498 are strongly recommended for students interested in creative advertising.
BUS 250, 263; COM 317, 319 and 468/498 are strongly recommended for students interested in account management.
Required Courses
- BUS 250 Management Theory and Practice
- BUS 354 Human Resource Management
Three additional courses chosen from:
- BUS 263 Accounting and Financial Management for Non-Business Majors
- BUS 350 Cultural Diversity in Organizations
- BUS 453 Organization Behavior
- BUS 454 Leadership
- BUS 457 Compensation Management
- COM 311 Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace
- COM 312 Small Group Communication
- COM 315 Intercultural Communication
- COM 320 Organizational Communication
- COM 326 Health Communication
- COM 331 Language, Identity and the Rainbow
- COM 413 Presentation Skills Practicum
- COM 419 Business and Professional Communication in Online Contexts
- COM 450 Leadership and Communication
- COM 468 Internship
- PSY 303 Social Psychology
- PSY 326 Industrial and Organizational Psychology
- PSY 422 Psychological Testing
- SOC 315 Complex Organizations
A minimum of two departments must be represented in the
selection of courses.