Paul Parker

Paul Parker’s area of specialization is Christian ethics but he teaches broadly across the fields of religious studies. He is committed to interreligious relationships and regularly leads public delegations to Israel and Palestine that explore democracy, human rights, international law and freedom of religion.
He has studied in England, India, Jordan and Palestine; given public lectures on Islamic mysticism and on religion in Israel and Palestine; published works on prayer, human suffering, the Holocaust, and the church and poverty. He is currently working on Palestinian Christian theology and on religious freedom in Israel. Paul serves on the Board of Advisors of the Niagara Foundation, on the Executive Committee of the American Theological Society (Midwest), and on the Board of the Seraj Library Project which establishes community libraries in Palestinian villages and refugee camps.
- HON 106 Honors Christian Ethics
- HON 350 Honors Program Directed Readings
- REL 200 Introduction to Biblical Studies
- REL 230 Christian Social Ethics
- REL 240 World Religions
- REL 350 Religion in America
- REL 372 Modern Israel: Its Religions, Histories and Politics
- REL 430 Niebuhr Seminar: God and Justice
- UMAIE T3119 The Peoples and Religions of India (in India)