Curriculum and Course Sequence
Baochau Thomas talks about how the program enabled her to be more effective in the classroom.
The master of education in teacher leadership (MTL) at Elmhurst requires the successful completion of 12 courses for a total of 34 semester hours (8.5 credits).
The curriculum encompasses three core areas of study, elective courses and a capstone seminar, which include the 18 semester hour requirements for the Illinois teacher leader endorsement. This endorsement requires a master’s degree.
Licensed teachers complete coursework in assessment, collaboration, school culture, professional development, leadership, advocacy and research. The 100-hour clinical requirement for the teacher leader endorsement is distributed across courses in the program. Students include elective coursework toward additional endorsements (special education, ESL or bilingual).
Required Courses
Teacher Leader courses (five courses, 15 semester hours)
- MTL 521 Building Professional and Community Relationships through Collaboration
- MTL 528 Examining Issues and Trends in Teacher Leadership
- MTL 536 Linking Assessments to Learning
- MTL 538 Improving School Climate and Learning
- MTL 597 Promoting Professional Development for School Improvement
Research course
- MTL 591 Applying Action Research in Education
- MTL 598 Seminar in Leadership, Innovation and Critical Inquiry
Advocacy course (choose one course; 3 semester hours)
- MTL 532 Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom
- MTL 544 Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching English Language Learners
- MTL 567 Advocating Culturally Relevant Curriculum and Instruction
- MTL 596 Evaluating Diversity Issues in Teaching and Learning
Elective courses (choose four courses; 12 semester hours)
Research elective courses
- MTL 513 Analyzing Reading Foundations
- MTL 552 Using Educational Research to Improve Practice
Teacher Leadership elective courses
- MTL 518 Promoting Social Justice Through pK-12 Multicultural Literature and Media
- MTL 522 Integrating Literacy Across the Content Areas
- MTL 530 Special Topics in Instruction
- MTL 534 Implementing Technology and Multimedia Tools to Enhance Learning
- MTL 541 Special Topics in Administration
- MTL 542 Using School Law for Advocacy and Leadership
- MTL 580 Comparative Studies—Travel
Capstone Seminar (1-, 2- or 3-semester hours, as needed)*
- MTL 598 Seminar in Leadership, Innovation and Critical Inquiry
*All graduate students complete a capstone seminar in the final fall or spring term prior to graduation. During this seminar the final capstone research project is completed with the assistance of a faculty advisor chosen by the graduate student and the faculty instructor for the seminar.
Course Sequence
The Teacher Leader endorsement may be earned in a six-course sequence. Graduate students may begin summer, fall, or spring terms. Students have the option of extending the sequence by only taking one course during any semester.
The M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership may be earned by extending the endorsement into a 34-semester hour master’s degree (11 three-semester-hour courses and a one-semester hour capstone course). A sample course sequence for the M.Ed. would require six semesters.
Students have the option of extending the sequence by only taking one course during any semester. Electives may be completed in teacher leadership, ESL/Bilingual education, or special education.
Students work in consultation with the program director to plan their course sequence.