Feb. 25, 2021, Task Force Update

February 25, 2021 | by the Elmhurst University COVID-19 Task Force

Dear Elmhurst University Community:

Throughout history, music has been a source of solace. Music is able to help people process grief, and it also helps people to find joy in a difficult situation. With COVID-19 and our recent experience with weeks of sub-20-degree temperatures, the COVID-19 Task Force hopes this song will bring a smile to your face and a little joy to your life. Sing along, and don’t be afraid to belt it out.

  • Testing
    • February 19, 2021: 121 individuals tested using the saliva test, 0 positives
    • February 21, 2021: 93 individuals tested using the PCR test, 0 positives
    • February 22, 2021: 153 individuals tested using the saliva test, 0 positives
    • February 23, 2021: 28 individuals tested using the PCR test, 0 positives
    • February 24, 2021: 38 individuals tested using the PCR test, 0 positives
    • February 19–23, 2021: 116 individuals tested using the Rapid PCR test, 0 positives
    • Elmhurst University has provided more than 5,100 COVID-19 tests to faculty, staff, and students
  • Alert Status
    • Elmhurst University remains at the Yellow Alert Level.
    • The current positivity rate for DuPage County is 4.0% (this is down from 4.4% last week).
    • The current positivity rate for Elmhurst University is 0.0085.
  • Vaccines
    • 12.7% of the population in DuPage County have received their 1st vaccination shot.
    • 5.1% of the population in DuPage County have also received their 2nd vaccination shot.
    • The COVID-19 Task Force remains encouraged to hear that some of our Bluejays have received the vaccination. Congratulations to all who have received one or both doses to date.
    • If you have a picture of yourself receiving the vaccination, and would like to share it with the Task Force, we can make a nice video montage of individuals receiving the vaccine. Please send your picture (without your immunization card) to [email protected].
  • Food and Drink Reminder: Food and drink are not allowed in Founders Lounge until further notice. Additionally, food and drink are not allowed in the library, the lounge spaces in the residence halls, and the lounges in Circle Hall.

As always, please be safe and healthy. Wear your face mask (double-up on face masks for extra protection—the CDC says it can help better protect you). And let’s be kind to each other during these difficult times we live in.

Bluejay Proud,

The COVID-19 Task Force

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