F-1 Transfer Out


As an F-1 student, you have the right to transfer your SEVIS record to another SEVP-certified school. You must complete a legal SEVIS record transfer, as well as a transfer of your academic record. Your transfer must be completed in a timely fashion: As soon as you know that you will transfer, make an appointment with the ISS staff to discuss the proper procedure and necessary documents.

It is best that you wait until the completion of your current semester to transfer your SEVIS record. You may transfer during the course of the semester if needed, but you should review and understand the Withdrawal Policy as it pertains to final grade calculations and financial responsibility.

If you are transferring your SEVIS record before the completion of you Elmhurst University program:

  • SEVIS record transfers occur after the end of a semester unless otherwise discussed. If you transfer during the course of a semester you must review and understand the withdrawal and financial policies that dictate your final grades and financial responsibility.
  • Your new academic program must start within five months of the transfer date of your SEVIS record.
  • Please wait to withdraw from Elmhurst University until the confirmation of the transfer of your SEVIS record is confirmed. Withdrawing before can cause the loss of F-1 status. Also, you should only study at the school which holds their SEVIS record, so starting a program without your SEVIS record being transferred can cause the loss of F-1 status as well.

If you are transferring your SEVIS record after the completion of your Elmhurst University program:

  • During your 60-day grace period
    • Your SEVIS record must be transferred by the 60th day to maintain status. Your record will auto-complete if not transferred in time, at which point you’d need to depart the U.S. or seek Reinstatement at your new school.
  • During OPT/STEM OPT:
    • Your SEVIS record can be transferred at any point during your OPT or STEM OPT Extension period, but doing so will end your OPT/STEM OPT Extension. You will have a 60-day grace period after your OPT/STEM OPT Extension period ends during which you can transfer your SEVIS record as well; your SEVIS record must be transferred by the 60th day.
  • Your new academic program must start within five months of the transfer date regardless of during the OPT/STEM OPT Extension period or the 60-day grace period following the completion of the authorized employment period.

How to Apply for a SEVIS Record Transfer

  • Discuss your intent to transfer with ISS early. ISS staff will be able to discuss the transfer process and complete any necessary forms, as well as discuss any issues and resources that could help you remain at Elmhurst University.
  • If you decide to transfer you must complete the “F-1 SEVIS Transfer Out Request” in Etrieve Forms. In this form you will:
    • Indicate your Transfer-To school (and SEVIS code, if known)
    • Indicate your requested Transfer Out date
    • Provide your reason for transferring
    • Submit the required Letter of Admission
      • You should submit any transfer verification forms completed by ISS staff for your new school as well (If applicable)
    • Agree that you have reviewed and understand the Withdrawal Policy as it pertains to final grade calculations and financial responsibility, have reviewed the F-1 Transfer-Out webpage, and attached your Letter of Admission and Transfer Verification Form (if applicable)
  • After receiving confirmation of your SEVIS record transfer, proceed with the Withdrawal process from Elmhurst University.

Please note – if you are admitted to and transferring your SEVIS record in to Elmhurst University contact International Admission. You will be provided with a “SEVIS Transfer Instructions” document when completing the I-20 Request Form during the International Admission process. Please provide the SEVIS Transfer Instructions document to your current school DSO/international office to facilitate your SEVIS record transfer.

International Student Services

A.C. Buehler Library, Lower Level

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