Maintaining Your Passport, F-1 Visa, and I-94 Record

Your Passport

All non-immigrants in the U.S. are required to maintain a valid passport at all times. Passports should be valid for at least six months into the future when entering and re-entering the U.S. and also when applying for a visa. Students/scholars must contact their local embassy or consulate for instructions on renewing their passport. This requirement doesn’t apply to Canadian nationals.

Students/scholars whose expired passport has a valid visa are still able to use that visa if they have the old passport. Students/scholars must remember to carry and present the old passport along with the new passport when traveling.

Getting a New Passport, Valid Visa in Old Passport

If you have to get a new passport but still have a valid visa in the old one, retain the old passport and travel with both the new and old passports together. You can to continue to use your valid visa in your expired passport in combination with your updated passport, as long as 1) they are both in the same category (e.g., both ‘regular,’ both ‘diplomatic,’ etc.), and 2) there are no significant changes (e.g., name/biographical changes). Usually, the consular officer will glue or staple your old and new passport together, so you can continue to use your unexpired F-1 visa and use your new passport. If your visa has expired or is in a different type, you will need to apply for a new visa.

Contact your home country’s embassy or consulate to inquire about extending/renewing your passport.

Your F-1 Visa

Students may stay in the U.S. on an expired F-1 visa as long as they maintain their immigration status by being in possession of a valid I-20 and an I-94 Arrival/Departure record. If students are traveling and will not use automatic revalidation to re-enter the U.S., they must have a valid visa.

Visas cannot be renewed inside the U.S. Once students have made a visa interview appointment at a U.S. embassy/consulate abroad, they should review the embassy/consulate’s website for details on the visa renewal process including required documents. Students are also able to check on the visa wait times for a specific U.S. embassy/consulate through the U.S. Department of State website. Due to security checks and other processing needs, students should ensure that their period of travel is long enough to receive clearance AND a renewed visa to come back for the first day of classes. If you have any problems, please contact ISS.

Given the high demand for appointments at most U.S. consulates and embassies, schedule your appointment as soon as possible. Check with the consulate or embassy where you will complete your visa renewal to confirm document requirements. Certain applicants may qualify for a waiver of the in-person interview, and the consulate will confirm whether you meet the specific criteria for an interview waiver.

The Department of State recommends that students apply for a visa in their home country. Students/scholars who must apply for a visa in a third country must remember the following:

  • Students cannot return to the U.S. until their visa has been issued
  • If a background check is required, students must wait until this is cleared and the wait could be several weeks
  • If the visa application is denied, students will not be able to return to the U.S.
  • If the visa application is denied in Canada or Mexico, Automatic Revalidation does not apply

Your I-94 Record

What is an I-94 Record?

Every non-immigrant entering the U.S. on a sponsored visa (F, J, H, etc.) will have a Form I-94 Arrival/Departure Record created by the Department of Homeland Security upon entry. This online record confirms that you have been legally admitted to the U.S. in a specific visa status, and for a duration of time. For F-1 visa holders, the amount of time is indicated by the notation “D/S,” which means you can be in the U.S. for the “Duration of Status” of your student or scholar program.

Check Your I-94 Record Every Time You Enter the U.S.

A new I-94 record is created (except in some cases when re-entering by land from an adjacent country) each time you enter the U.S. It is your responsibility to review your online I-94 record after entering the U.S. to verify accuracy; please do so as soon as you are able after returning to the U.S. to make sure there are no errors to the information on the I-94, such as:

  • Admit Until Date: should be ‘D/S’
  • Your Name
  • Your Birthdate
  • Passport Information
  • Date of Entry

Download and Print Your Most Recent I-94 Record

Remember to download and print a new I-94 record each time you exit and return to the U.S. The I-94 record is your evidence that you entered the U.S. legally, so it is important to keep the most current printed version with your passport at all times. State and federal government agencies will ask to see the I-94 record (for driver’s license, social security number, etc.).

Use this link to view and print your I-94 form

If you are having trouble locating your I-94 record: If you have multiple first or last names try different name order combinations (in both surname and given name fields). Also verify you have entered all information correctly. If you still cannot locate your record after trying all name combinations and/or verifying all information is correct, reach out to ISS for assistance.

Incorrect or Missing I-94 Records

If your I-94 record is incorrect or missing, you can reach out to CBP’s Deferred Inspection unit at Chicago O’Hare International Airport. Most I-94 record requests can be handled via email (include copies of your I-94 entry record and travel history, passport biographical page, visa with stamp, and your I-20), though occasionally a trip to the airport may be necessary.


Chicago O’Hare International Airport
Terminal 5 – Lower Level – CBP Office (opposite carousel 12)
10000 Bessie Coleman Drive
Chicago, IL 60666

Hours of Operation: 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday

Contact Information: Fax: (773) 686-3695

I-94 Correction Instructions: [email protected]

International Student Services

A.C. Buehler Library, Lower Level

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