
Elmhurst University reserves the right to modify courses, schedules and program format without advance notice to students.

Course offerings reflect the 2024-2025 catalog. One unit of credit equals four semester hours.

An introduction and exploration of theory, theory development, and the role of the doctoral prepared nurse in the broader healthcare environment. Students will gain an understanding of how knowledge is acquired, the theoretical underpinnings upon which nursing practice is based, and the application of knowledge to practice.

This course also examines the role of the nurse within the larger context of the health care system. The application of leadership theory and organization theory is used to frame planning and implementation of EBP to improve health outcomes.

Nursing students explore the history of healthcare informatics, current issues, basic informatics concepts, and health information management applications. Prepares students for use of big data and information management systems in the planning and implementation of EBP.

This course explores the interrelationship between policy, ethics, and law and the impact on health systems and clinical practice. Students will identify public and health policies that impact population health and health outcomes. This course offers students the opportunity to explore a variety of approaches to communicating and advocating for policy change.

An in-depth focus on identifying, analyzing, and evaluating the key public health issues. Analysis of the impact of social, cultural, and ecological factors of healthcare delivery on various population groups. This course emphasizes the application of socio-cultural diversity as well as the roles of federal, state, and local governments in relation to the core functions of public health and complex health systems.

A focus on analytic methods for critical appraisal and developing best practice protocols based on nursing research. This course assists students designing protocols and planning for implementation of evidence-based practice improvement.

Students will study diseases and ill health through their patterns of occurrence in human populations. The course also presents several approaches for estimating the burden of disease and evaluates primary, secondary and tertiary prevention strategies. Knowledge around basic statistics around Epidemiology is also explored.

The culmination of a progressive development in the student’s field of inquiry. This process allows for development of a practice-focused problem, implementation of evidence-based interventions, analysis of data, and dissemination of the final product. This project must meet guidelines for the DNP program.

The culmination of a progressive development in the student’s field of inquiry. This process allows for development of a practice-focused problem, implementation of evidence-based interventions, analysis of data, dissemination including manuscript preparation of the final DNP project, and program completion examination.

Becky Hulett, DNP, R.N., CNL

Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Nursing and Public Health
Department of Nursing and Public Health

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