Campus Life at Elmhurst University

At Elmhurst, your student can become part of an inclusive community.

You can rest assured that your student will have opportunities to bond with other Bluejays, attend social events and athletic contests and have their basic needs met through a flexible meal plan, comfortable living arrangements, commuter facilities and a safe and secure campus. Learn more about campus life options at Elmhurst University:

Cureton Residence Hall on the campus of Elmhurst University in suburban Chicago, IL.

Residence Life

Elmhurst’s six residence halls will allow your student to foster relationships and thrive in a community environment.

Two male Elmhurst University students and a cashier stand at the checkout line in the Frick Center cafeteria, one of the main dining options at Elmhurst University.

Dining Options

Multiple, flexible dining options including gluten-free will ensure your student has the meal options they deserve.

A student plays ping-pong in the Bluejay Roost, a hangout for students inside Elmhurst College's Frick Center.

Information for Commuter Students

Commuter students are a big part of the vibrant daily life on campus. We enhance your student’s experience by offering commuter-focused resources, services, programs and more.

Elmhurst Music Program

Musical events, such as the annual Jazz Fest provide opportunities for students to enjoy fine arts, engage in the Elmhurst community and connect with other students.

A publicity photo of the Elmhurst University production of Burnt Part Boys.

Elmhurst Theater Program

Elmhurst’s Department of Theatre and Dance puts on multiple performances per year that are open to students, staff and the community.

An athletic team poses with Elmhurst University mascot Victor E. Bluejay for a photo during a nighttime Homecoming pep rally.

Bluejays Athletics

Your student can cheer for our 20 Division III athletic teams and be a part of the Bluejay community.

Campus Security

Elmhurst’s Public Safety team works around the clock to protect the well-being of students, faculty, staff and visitors.

Bluejay Spirit Shop

The Bluejay Spirit Shop, located in the Frick Center, is your place to stock up on Bluejays gear.

Two women hold a blue banner that reads "Elmhurst Homecoming Parade" while Elmhurst University mascot Victor E. Bluejay marches behind it.

Get Involved

Lead a service trip, join an intramural sports team, write for our award-winning newspaper or audition for a musical. At Elmhurst, your student can get involved in more than 100 ways.

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