How to Apply for Accommodations

Access the accommodations and support you need to be successful.

Students with disabilities are entitled to certain services and accommodations at Elmhurst University. Here’s how to document your disability for us and get started with the services you need.


Contact the Accessibility Coordinator.

Contact Linda Harrell at (630) 617-6448 or send an email to get a Documentation of Disabilities packet and discuss the documentation you need.


Submit your documentation.

It will be used to determine your eligibility under the ADA. Documentation must verify the nature and extent of the disability in accordance with current professional standards and must have been completed within the past three years.


Schedule an appointment.

In a personalized, face-to-face interactive meeting, the coordinator will work with you to develop appropriate accommodations. To make your appointment, call (630) 617-6448.


Complete the Request for Accommodations form.

Your current professors will be notified of your accommodations through email.


Activate your accommodations.

Talk to your professors and let them know whether you plan to use your accommodations in that specific class.


Meet with the Accessibility Coordinator at the start of each term.

Every term you’ll meet to review your accommodations and to provide notification of those accommodations to your new professors.

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