Title IX Reporting Procedures

There are several methods individuals can use to report sexual harassment and retaliation.

Reporting to the Title IX Coordinator or a Deputy Coordinator

Reports may be made in person, by mail, by telephone, or by email to the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Coordinators listed below. The Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators have the authority to institute corrective measures on behalf of Elmhurst University.

Contact information for these individuals is provided below.

Natalie Brouwer-Potts, Elmhurst University

Natalie Brouwer

Title IX Coordinator
Office of Student Affairs

Title IX Deputy Coordinator for Faculty

Dean Pribbenow, Elmhurst University

Dean Pribbenow, Ph.D.

Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Faculty
Office of Academic Affairs

Reporting to a Responsible Employee

Mandated Reporters are required to report any alleged incidents of sexual harassment or retaliation they have witnessed or been made aware of to the Title IX Coordinator.

All University employees, including all hourly and full-time faculty, staff (other than those in Student Health Services and Counseling Services), and contract vendor employees are considered Mandated Reporters. Students identified as Head Residents, Resident Advisers, ELSA Community Advisors, Orientation Student Leaders, and Orientation Transfer Leads are also considered Mandated Reporters.

All Public Safety employees, including student workers, are Mandated Reporters. Mandated Reporters are expected to report to the Title IX Coordinator as much detailed information as was made available to them, including the Complainant’s name, the Respondent’s name, or any other relevant details.

Reporting to a Confidential Advisor*

Under Illinois law, Complainants must be afforded the opportunity to speak with a Confidential Advisor about sexual misconduct for both emergency and ongoing support. A Confidential Advisor is unique in that they cannot disclose any identifying information with the institution or its officials without the Complainant’s permission, working solely on the Complainant’s behalf to provide empathetic guidance and educate them on their various rights and options.

Areas covered include, but are not limited to, discussing choices regarding both accommodations and investigations, medical advocacy, crisis intervention, assistance with reporting to police, navigating the court system, protective order petitions, and employment and housing advocacy. Further, the Confidential Advisor is able to participate as a support person in any meeting related to an institutional investigation or grievance process, though they cannot serve as an advisor for cross-examination purposes in a live hearing.

24/7 Confidential Advisor

YWCA Metropolitan Chicago Rape Crisis Center for DuPage County
(888) 293-2080
[email protected]

Reporting to a Confidential Resource*

The only staff who are not considered Mandated Reporters are those in the Wellness Center who work in Student Health Services and Counseling Services.

These staff members serve as a confidential resource to faculty, staff, and students on campus, meaning that disclosures of sexual harassment or retaliation to Wellness Center staff from a patient would not be shared with the Title IX Coordinator and would be kept confidential per patient privacy rights.

Contact information for Wellness Center staff is provided below.

Student Health Services
Niebuhr Hall, Lower Level
(630) 617-3565

Counseling Services
Niebuhr Hall, Lower Level
(630) 617-3565

*Confidential advisors and confidential resources keep any reports of sexual misconduct confidential, meaning that reporting to them will not trigger follow-up or an investigation by the Title IX Coordinator.

Reporting to the Police

Complainants can contact the local police to initiate the criminal reporting process, which is separate from the campus reporting process. The Elmhurst University Department of Public Safety will support students and employees who wish for assistance working through the criminal reporting process. Conversely, students and employees may seek an investigation through the University and choose not to involve local police. Additional information and resources regarding these issues are available on the Public Safety website.

Elmhurst Police Department
125 E. First Street
Elmhurst, Illinois 60126
Emergency Number: 911
Non-Emergency Number: (630) 530-3050

Reporting Online

In addition to reporting directly to the Title IX Coordinator, a Deputy Coordinator or a Mandated Reporter, Elmhurst University faculty, staff, and students can submit a report electronically.

The form, available at the link below, allows for anonymous, third-party, and bystander reports. The Title IX Coordinator receives reports submitted through this form and directs them to the appropriate Deputy Coordinator for response.

The more information a reporter provides, the more readily a Deputy Coordinator can respond to the concern and supportive measures to the Complainant.

File a Report

Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act Mandated Reporters

Under the requirements of the Illinois Abused and Neglected Child Reporting Act (ANCRA), all Elmhurst University employees are designated “mandated reporters.” This law requires all regular full-time and part-time employees, temporary workers, and student workers to agree that if they have reasonable cause to believe that a child known through their work capacity may be abused or neglected, they have a responsibility to report it to the DCFS.

Illinois Department of Children & Family Services
Child Abuse Hotline: (800) 252-2873

Updated January 2025

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