
Course offerings reflect the 2024-2025 catalog. One unit of credit equals four semester hours.

.75 credit

This course introduces the history, mission, vision and core functions of public health from a regional, national and global perspective. The Ecological Model of Health serves as the conceptual framework to explore the social, political, economic, medical, legal and ethical factors that create disparities and guides public health practice across populations and environments.

.25 credit

This course is designed to provide students with a broad overview of descriptive biostatistical methods as used for public health research. It introduces the practical application of descriptive data commonly used to address public health issues.

Prerequisite: General statistics course with grade of C or better.

.75 credit

Building on the skills developed in MPH-502, this course is designed for students to learn to use analytical biostatistics as public health tools. It emphasizes the practical application of data to address public health issues, rather than theoretical and mathematical development. The topics to be covered include: concepts of inferential statistics and applications of commonly used statistical tests in public health research and practice.

Prerequisite: MPH 502 Biostatistics I.

.75 credit

This course focuses on intrapreneurship—making existing organizations more innovative. It considers how to make individuals, teams, and departments more creative and then on how to implement approved ideas. Key topics covered include ideation, organizational culture, innovation strategy, incentivizing innovation, working in teams, economic analysis, managing change, the implementation of ideas, and the measurement and monitoring of innovation in organizations.

.75 credit

This course examines the administration, organization, financing and delivery of public health services, with an emphasis on current health policy and management issues. Students will be exposed to the theories and practice of public administration as they are applied in public health settings.

.25 credit

This course assists students in individualizing the MPH study experience. Following an individualized inventory of public health–related knowledge, skills and attitudes, each student will collaborate with others in the articulation of a public health role development plan. This plan will be used to guide each student’s focus throughout the MPH curriculum, i.e., in selected course assignments, practicum site selections and capstone topic.

.75 credit

This course is the cornerstone of the Elmhurst University public health program and will prepare students to be innovative problem solvers and leaders in public health. Leadership and innovation are both essentially about understanding people in order to effectively motivate them, a key skill for public health professionals. The course is structured as a seminar, with guest speakers from other disciplines both within the University and outside of it—data science, marketing, design, entrepreneurship, storytelling—discussing their disciplines’ approach to problem-solving and applications to public health. MPH students are encouraged to attend synchronously (in person or streamed online) but the sessions will be recorded so they can be accessed asynchronously as well. MPH students will complete additional asynchronous material on leadership and leadership theory and will apply this to a public health change management case study.

.75 credit

This course prepares students to understand the environmental factors including biological, physical and chemical factors that affect the health of a community, and legal and regulatory approaches to monitoring and improving air, water and soil quality.

.75 credit

This course provides an introduction to the structures, institutions and processes of the U.S. government at the federal and state levels, their interrelationships, and roles in shaping public health policy.

1.00 credit

This course prepares students to understand the distributions and determinants of disease, disabilities and death in human populations using an ecological model; the characteristics and dynamics of human populations; and the natural history of disease and biological basis of health.

.75 credit

This course prepares students to understand concepts and methods of social and behavioral sciences relevant to the assessment of public health and design of strategies and interventions at a population level.

1.00 credit

This course introduces philosophies, principles and methods for promoting health, and addresses the development of effective health promotion and health education programs. Health educator competencies and program tools will be applied to course content.

.75 credit

This course presents the theoretical underpinnings required for evidence-based practice in public health. It provides the knowledge and skills necessary to participate in public health research, collaborate on public health program evaluation, and apply evidence-based practice principles to population health.

Permission of program director required for registration.

.75 credit

Online and at practicum site in student’s location. This course provides students an opportunity to demonstrate the practical knowledge and skills, acquired through their course of study, that are required for professional practice in public health. In addition to an online reflection journal and discussion board, each student participates in a practicum with a faculty-approved preceptor and site. The practicum site will be a public health agency, such as a local or state public health agency, or local, state, national or international nongovernmental agency or organization.

Prerequisites: MPH 560 Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Public Health and MPH 507 Role Development for Public Health Practice II; Permission of program director required for registration

.50 credit

The capstone is a required .50 credit course and is a core element of the Master of Public Health (MPH) Program at Elmhurst University. Following the completion of all required courses, the capstone course provides students the opportunity to integrate and apply newly acquired knowledge and skills to a public health problem/situation identified and addressed/explored during MPH 570 Public Health Practicum.

Prerequisites: MPH core courses, including MPH 560 Research and Evidence-Based Practice in Public Health and MPH 570 Practicum; permission of program director required for registration.

Elmhurst University reserves the right to modify courses, schedules and program format without advance notice to students.

The MBA Option

Students completing the master of public health are eligible to apply to the MBA Option program. This program provides an opportunity to complete Elmhurst’s master of business administration (MBA) in one year following the completion of the first master’s degree.

Students take the six core courses in the MBA program. The required area of specialization is completed through the coursework required for the first master’s degree program. Students applying to the MBA Option program must meet the prerequisites for the MBA program, including financial accounting, managerial accounting and business finance. Study options are available for students who do not meet the prerequisites.

Molly Tran, M.D., MPH, M.A.

Assistant Professor, Nursing and Health Sciences; Program Director, Master of Public Health (MPH)
Department of Nursing and Public Health

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