MBA Option

The MBA is a logical complement to several other Elmhurst University master’s degrees.

Graduates of these programs may apply for admission to the MBA Option program, a one-year, part-time program leading to a Master of Business Administration (MBA).

The MBA Option program consists of the six core courses of the Elmhurst MBA program, together with the specialization courses completed through the first master’s degree in one of the areas mentioned above.

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MBA Core Courses

  • MBA 500 Organizational Management
  • MBA 501 Financial and Managerial Accounting
  • MBA 502 Analytical Tools for Management Decisions
  • MBA 503 Marketing Management
  • MBA 504 Financial Management
  • MBA 505 Strategies for Creating a Competitive Advantage

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Admission Requirements

  • Complete an MBA graduate application for the term you would like to start.
  • Submit a letter of recommendation from the program director of the other master’s degree program you are completing or have completed.
  • Submit a 1,000-word statement of purpose addressing one of the following questions:
    • What are your career goals? How will an MBA help you achieve these goals?
    • Describe one or two significant accomplishments, in the last five years, that you are most proud of and discuss why you view them as such.
    • What will be your biggest challenge while earning your MBA?

Questions? Contact us.


Candidates for the MBA Option must have completed the following prerequisites.

  • Financial Accounting
  • Managerial Accounting
  • Business Finance

Prerequisites can be met through the successful completion of the online non-credit course MBA Prep 300. For further information, contact the Office of Admission at (630) 617-3400 or [email protected].

Prerequisites may also be completed as part of the student’s undergraduate coursework or transferred from another college or university.

For more information about the MBA Option program or how to apply, please contact Lawrence Brown at (630) 617-3223 or [email protected].

Lawrence Brown, MBA

Assistant Professor; Program Director, MBA
Department of Business and Economics

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