Major in Physical Education
A major in the field of physical education provides a broad foundation for a teaching career in public schools.
As a physical education major, you will have contact with students early in the curriculum—long before the official student-teaching sequence begins. As part of your studies, you might organize a team-building activity at an elementary school or participate in Everybody Can Day (a service-learning event that shows schoolchildren the challenges faced by those who are physically challenged) or International Games Day.
If you’re pursuing teacher licensure, you should work with the Department of Education to make sure you meet all the requirements. See Admission to Education Programs.
Licensure PK-12 Requirements
To be admitted to the teacher education program, a student must establish and maintain a 2.75 cumulative grade-point average and a 3.0 grade-point average in the physical education major. The quality of all major and minor courses must be C- or better. Please see the Department of Education for additional criteria.
Students are required to pass the physical education content area test prior to the student teaching semester.
The following courses are required for the physical education teacher licensure program.
Required Education Courses
- EDU 104 Cultural Foundations of Education in the United States
- PE 440 Instructional Techniques for Middle and Secondary Physical Education Pedagogy (Prerequisite: KIN 235)
- SEC 100 Introductory Seminar to Teaching as a Caring Profession (.25 credit)
- SEC 300 Intermediate Seminar for Teaching in Diverse and Inclusive Schools (.25 credit)
- SEC 310 Methods and Best Practices in Middle and Secondary Education (Pre- or corequisites: SEC 100, SEC 311)
- SEC 311 Educational Psychology (prerequisites: ENG 106; PSY 210 or EDU 104)
- SEC 421 Theory and Practice for Building Academic Literacies in K-12 Classrooms
- SEC 450 Advanced Seminar in Teacher Collaboration and Professional Practice (.25 credit)
- SEC 457 Student Teaching in Special Fields
- TEL 317 Methods and Materials for Teaching English Language Learners (.75 credit)
- Two courses in written communication
- One course in mathematics (MTH 110 or MTH 345 recommended) or demonstrated proficiency
Major Requirements
- PE 202 Individual and Dual Sports
- PE 203 Team Sports
- KIN 204 Emergency Procedures (.50 credit)
- PE 235 Curriculum Design for Physical Education and Health Education
- PE 312 Physical Education for Children with Exceptionalities
- PE 360 Contemporary Concepts in Health
- PE 370 Instructional Techniques in Elementary School Physical Education Pedagogy
- PE 410 Kinesiology
- PE 440 Instructional Techniques for Middle and Secondary School Physical Education Pedagogy
- PE 445 Measurement and Evaluation for Physical Education
It is strongly recommended for students seeking licensure in Physical Education to earn a minor in Health Education, which can lead to the Health Education Endorsement.
For more information, please contact Dr. Krista Diedrich.