Study Abroad Information for Faculty

You may have studied abroad yourself as an undergraduate, spent time overseas conducting research or currently teach our students on one of our many study away programs.

As academic advisors and faculty, you play an important role in encouraging our students to study abroad. This area of the website can assist academic advisors and faculty by providing resources and tips to successfully support our students when they come to you to discuss studying away.

In addition, if you are a faculty member interested in leading a study away program, this area can guide you through that process.

To request a classroom presentation from the Office of Global Engagement, please email

The Office of Global Engagement appreciates the role academic advisers play in promoting study abroad to EU students. We encourage advisers of first-year students to help students see where a study abroad experience will fit into their academic plans from their very first advising session.

The ideal candidate for a study abroad experience possesses good academic credentials, as well as a desire to explore the world beyond campus borders. Students looking for opportunities to study, work or serve in a global environment are prime candidates for a successful experience abroad.

Feel free to contact the Global Engagement team for assistance with any questions you might have regarding EU’s study abroad options. We truly do have a program for anyone who plans ahead!


All academic credit earned abroad through any EU-sponsored or affiliated programs is eligible for credit at Elmhurst University and counts towards residency requirements. Working closely with academic advisers, department chairs and the Associate Director of Global Engagement, students receive pre-approval for their proposed courses during their experience abroad.  Students often receive approval for courses taken for major or AoK credit, and at the very least receive elective credit toward graduation requirements. All study abroad courses fulfill EUIC Experiential Learning and Intercultural Global Engagement requirements.


Grades earned abroad through any EU-sponsored or affiliated programs receive EU credit. The same rules pertaining to grading preferences on campus pertain to classes abroad. Students can take one P/NP class each semester; however, this option is not available for credit earned in classes meeting major or AoK requirements. While abroad, different countries might have different credit hours and grading scales than Elmhurst.

One of the most challenging, and quite often most rewarding, pursuits of an educator’s career is leading a group of students on a study abroad experience. Global Engagement encourages faculty members from all academic departments to consider developing a study abroad course. All faculty-led programs must be approved by the Global Advisory and Curriculum Committee (GACC).

Steps for Proposing a Course Abroad

  1. Familiarize yourself with the faculty-led program process by attending an information session or meeting with Global Engagement.
  2. Begin to formulate ideas about your program proposal and complete the intent to submit form.
  3. Complete the program proposal and all of its components and submit to GACC for approval.

Submission Requirements

  • Proposal Form:
    • New Faculty-led Proposal Form: For new programs, previous programs that have not run in past three years, or previous programs with significant academic or on-site changes.
    • Continuing Faculty-led Proposal Form: For programs that have run within the past three years and do not have any significant academic or on-site changes.
  • Course Syllabus: A syllabus for the course listed above must be attached to this proposal and should include course goals and objectives, required readings and assessment methods. The syllabus should clearly define how site visits and other activities align with the learning objectives of the course.
  • Itinerary: Provide a daily itinerary that includes all group travel, activities, lectures, site visits, group discussions and cultural activities that are required parts of the course.
  • Budget: Faculty-Led Proposal Budget Template
    Submit a budget with expected expenses using the provided template. The budgeting process will be ongoing and GACC does not expect a budget to be finalized at this time. All faculty-led programs are self-supporting, which means all related expenses should be managed through student fees and/or external funds. At the same time, making sure that programs are affordable for students is also important. Faculty expenses should be included in the budget and are part of the program fee. Faculty salary should not be factored in.
  • Proposal from study abroad travel provider (if any)
  • Proposals and supplemental materials should be sent to Brian Wilhite
    Intent to submit forms for programs running AY 2024-2025 are due September 15, 2023.
    Full proposals are due October 31, 2023.

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