
Course offerings reflect the 2024-2025 catalog. One unit of credit equals four semester hours.

An introduction to psychology as a science, along with its methods of inquiry and representative findings in areas such as learning, memory, cognition, motivation, perception and development, as well as social, abnormal, personality and physiological psychology. In each section, students receive experimental credit for research activities.

A prerequisite for all other psychology courses.

.25 to 1.00 credit

Direct supervised experience in psychological research. The student will take on responsibilities such as data coding, data entry, setting up appointments for data collection, collecting data from participants and library work. The student will spend approximately four hours per week for half credit and eight hours per week for full credit over a 15-week term. Guidelines for this course are available from the department secretary, the psychology faculty and the psychology department web page. Repeatable for credit. Pass/No Pass grading.

Prerequisites: PSY 210, major in psychology, and consent of instructor and department chair.

This course is an exploration of the many career paths in psychology, both for those planning for graduate programs and for those seeking employment and training experiences directly after the bachelor’s degree. Students will have the opportunity to explore the applied fields of psychology such as clinical/counseling/social work, school, industrial/ organizational, and forensic psychology across various workplace settings including hospitals, social/human service agencies, military, criminal justice, academia, business and industry, public health, and public policy organizations. Strategies for developing career paths, applying to graduate and certificate programs, developing gap-year plans, and the importance of internships and volunteer experience are also included. Pass/No Pass grading only.

.50 or 1.00 credit

Provides qualified psychology students with supervised and monitored on-the-job experience with businesses or human service agencies and institutions. May be taken during the regular term with part-time placement of seven to 13 hours a week for a half-credit course, or 14 to 17 hours weekly for a full-credit course. Summer Term and January Term field experiences may also be possible (hours per week will be adjusted accordingly). The student will complete self-assessments, set goals and learning objectives, provide regular written feedback, attend CPU meetings and complete a final reflection paper of at least four to six pages. First-year and sophomores register for PSY 268; juniors and seniors register for PSY 368. Applications should be made early in the term preceding registration and are reviewed on the basis of academic grade-point average, faculty recommendation, professional progress and demonstrated interest. Students will need to meet with both the Psychology Internship Coordinator/ Faculty Monitor and the CPU Coordinator of Career Development to apply. Repeatable for credit. Pass/No Pass grading. Under unusual circumstances students may petition the department for A-F grading.

Prerequisite: Approval of the psychology internship coordinator/faculty monitor.

A study of the personal, social and situational variables that influence the behavior of the individual toward other people. Topics examined include personality judgment, interpersonal attraction, prejudice, attribution theory, helping, aggression, attitude change, obedience, conformity and group dynamics.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

An introduction to the psychological principles and theories of human development, learning and motivation in K-12 educational settings. Includes the study of educational research, child and adolescent development, developmentally appropriate and instructional best practices, individual differences, learning environment and assessment. This course is for non-education majors only.

Prerequisites: ENG 106, PSY 210 or EDU 104 or SPE 223, and sophomore standing.

The study of classic and contemporary theoretical approaches to personality and related research. Psychoanalytic, trait, cognitive, humanistic and social behaviorist and biological perspectives are surveyed.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

Introduces and broadly surveys the neural foundations of mental processes and behavior. Topics include: learning and memory, perceptions, emotion, language, attention, and executive function.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

Provides an analysis of biological, cognitive, personality and social development from conception to death. Illustrative topics may include the nature-nurture controversy, attachment, peer relationships, identity, vocations, marriage and parenting, midlife transition, aging, death and dying. Theoretical models and research methodologies designed to address these issues will be highlighted throughout the course. Recommended for non-majors.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

The study of child development from conception to puberty. Major processes such as maturation, socialization, cognition and language acquisition are approached from scientific, theoretical and applied viewpoints.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

The study of current theory and research on adolescent development in a number of major areas including biological, psychological-cognitive and social-cultural. Topics include: identity formation, sexuality and social interactions.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

The study of the processes involved in maturity, marriage, family, occupation, retirement, aging and death that characterize the lifespan following adolescence. Emphasis is on interaction of the psychological, social and physiological factors in relation to the developmental process.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

.50 or 1.00 credit

This course is the application of psychological theories, procedures and methods to a variety of current issues, such as cross-cultural psychology, emotional memories or motivation. Topics are selected based on their applied and theoretical relevance to psychology, as well as their practical importance to a wide range of disciplines. Students are expected to develop projects to explore the application of these topics to real-world psychological problems and issues.

Prerequisite: PSY 210. May be repeated for credit.

In this course, we will examine the theories and research on the psychological understanding of religious beliefs and behavior. We will consider the phenomenological, empirical and social psychological perspectives. Topics include: intrinsic and extrinsic religious orientation, theories of religion, religion and mental health, religious development, conversion, and religious experience.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

An examination of the theories, research and applications from the fields of cross-cultural psychology, indigenous psychology, cultural psychology, ethnic psychology and psychological anthropology. Students will analyze, synthesize and articulate an intercultural perspective on psychological processes and functioning through exploring their own and dominant U.S. cultural backgrounds, interviewing others with cross-cultural or intercultural experiences, making comparisons using a broad definition of culture and reading about psychological research of cultures other than their own. Students will be encouraged to raise questions about mainstream psychological knowledge and their knowledge of self and self-culture in order to increase awareness, tolerance, acceptance, understanding, sensitivity, adaptation to, respect and contextual evaluation of cultural diversity.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

An introduction to the principles and methods of psychology as applied to problems of business, industrial and other types of organizations. Topics include: leadership, motivation, group leadership, personnel decisions, training, job analysis, design, evaluation and satisfaction.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

An introduction to the study of maladaptive behavior. Topics include: diagnosis, assessment, classification and treatment of these disorders. An overview of the application of basic psychological theories and normal stress responses will be covered.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

Introduces the theories and research of treatments of adjustment and maladaptive behaviors. Topics include: assessment, treatment approaches and the evaluation of treatments, the role of the therapist and social systems of treatment. It is recommended that PSY 312 or 327 be taken prior to this course.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

Human behavior is viewed as the result of the processing of environmental information. The aim of the course is to understand the underlying mechanisms by which humans process this information. Topics include: memory, decision making, perception, attention, comprehension, problem solving and reasoning.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

This course is an examination of human sexuality and sexual behavior from a biopsychosocial perspective. Sexuality is an intentionally broad term, containing influences from biological sexual characteristics, cultural background, gender identification, and sexual orientation. A primary focus of the course is understanding, exploring, and contextualizing the diversity of expression seen for each of these influences. Further, much of the course will center on understanding how each of these influences all converge to create identity and also affect sexual response. Controversial topics covered typically include abortion, contraception, the impact of HIV/ AIDS, the intersection of sexuality and mental healthcare, the LGBTQ+ experience, sex work, and sexual subcultures, among others. There is emphasis on understanding sexuality and discussing these controversial topics through relying on contemporary empirical literature and methodology.

Prerequisite PSY 210.

The focus of health psychology is the prevention of physical and emotional factors that may compromise a person’s health. This course will introduce theory and research on the interdependence between physical health, behavior and cognitive processes. Health psychology emerged as a discipline in 1977, and together with the area of behavioral medicine, uses behavioral principles in the assessment and treatment of individuals with a medical diagnosis.

Prerequisite: PSY 210.

.25 or 1.00 credit

See PSY 249. Students’ responsibilities increase as their experience warrants. Repeatable for credit. Pass/No Pass grading.

Prerequisites: PSY 210 and consent of instructor and department chair.

Introduction to the principles of experimentation, experimental design, hypothesis testing and statistical analysis. Topics covered include scales of measurement, validity and reliability, experimental and non-experimental designs, descriptive statistics, sampling theory, correlation and regression, t-tests, confidence intervals, chi-square tests and analysis of variance. Students will use SPSS software for creating files and performing data analysis.

Prerequisite: PSY 210. Meets the statistics requirement for the psychology major, as does MTH 345 or MTH 346. Not open to students who have taken MTH 345 or MTH 346. Counts as credit toward a B.S. degree.

The nature and methods of inquiry into human and animal behavior are examined through the design and implementation of psychological research. Topics include descriptive and experimental methods, analysis and interpretation of research data, and ethical issues in research. Some focus on use of SPSS software. All students design and conduct a study as a psychology laboratory experience outside of class meetings.

Prerequisites: PSY 210 and PSY 355/MTH 345/MTH 346.

See PSY 268. Repeatable for credit, junior/senior standing only.

A survey and critique of classical and contemporary learning theories. Controversial issues in learning and memory are presented with an evaluation of relevant research. Lab time required outside of the scheduled class meetings.

Prerequisites: PSY 210, PSY 355/MTH 345 and PSY 356.

.50 or 1.00 credit

See PSY 320. Students registering for PSY 420 will have assignments appropriate to a 400-level course. May be repeated for credit.

The study of major issues in psychology with emphasis on the interrelationships among schools of thought. The development of theory and methodology and the contributions of significant individuals are examined.

Prerequisites: Two courses in psychology, including PSY 210.

Survey course of the history, utility, ethics and practical applications of psychological testing. The course will address concepts of standardization, reliability and validity, and introduce commonly used tests of intelligence, personality, aptitude and interests. Students will also learn about standards for educational and psychological testing and complete an assessment project.

Prerequisites: PSY 210 and PSY 355/ MTH 345.

This course surveys theories and research in sensation and perception. Psychological and physiological processes underlying sensory and perceptual phenomena are reviewed as well as controversial issues. Students will participate in demonstrations and conduct an experiment on some theoretical or research question in sensation or perception.

Prerequisites: PSY 210, PSY 355/MTH 345 and PSY 356.

The study of biochemical and neurophysiological correlates of behavior, including the structural and functional organization of the nervous system, as well as electrical and chemical processes involved in nervous system activity. Topics include sensation, the motor system, sleep, gustation, reproductive behavior and maladaptive behavior.

Prerequisites: Two courses in psychology, including PSY 210.

This course provides an introduction to the field of child psychopathology. The symptom presentation, etiology and development trajectories of psychological disorders affecting children and adolescents will be covered.

Prerequisites: PSY 356 and PSY 327 or permission of the instructor.

.50 credit

This course entails in-depth work in selected research areas. Research areas will vary and will have a focus on analytical thinking, computer skills and research presentation. Students will learn about topics such as the professional role of psychologists, ethics, APA style and psychological scientific thinking.

Prerequisites: PSY 210, PSY 355/ MTH 345, PSY 356 and consent of instructor.

.25 or 1.00 credit

See PSY 349. Repeatable for credit. Pass/No Pass grading.

Prerequisites: PSY 349, PSY 355/MTH 345 and PSY 356, and consent of the instructor and department chair.

.25 to 1.00 credit

For students who plan to take advanced work in psychology and who want additional preparation in special areas. Students initiate contact with a psychology professor or the department chair to identify a topic and preliminary readings. The student and the professor then work together to craft a proposal specifying the topic, key words and areas for further reading; a method for communicating the learning, such as a paper or a presentation at a student research conference; and a timeline for the process. Guidelines for this course are available from the department secretary, the psychology faculty and on the psychology department web page. Repeatable for credit. Proposal and permission of the supervising faculty member and department chair are required prior to registration.

Prerequisites: PSY 210, PSY 355/MTH 345 and PSY 356.

.50 to 2.00 credits

The challenge of pursuing individual research under the guidance of a faculty member. Strongly recommended for advanced students intending to pursue a graduate degree. Guidelines for this course are available from the department secretary, the psychology faculty and on the psychology department web page. Repeatable for credit. Proposal and permission of the supervising faculty member and department chair are required prior to registration.

Prerequisites: PSY 210, PSY 355/MTH 345 and PSY 356.

.50 credit

This course gives Honors Program students the opportunity to design and implement a significant research project in the field of psychology, culminating in an appropriate public dissemination of research methods and findings. This research must build upon previous coursework taken within the major or minor, facilitating faculty supervision and guidance. Repeatable for credit. Permission of the faculty supervisor and the director of the Honors Program required prior to registration.

An advanced seminar with varying topics that changes each term. The seminars are led each term by a different full-time faculty member of the department. The emphasis is on complex issues in psychology and the use of primary sources. A major requirement of the seminar is to write an APA-style review paper that critiques, analyzes and synthesizes the extant literature related to the topic of the seminar. In addition, students are required to complete the Major Field Test in Psychology.

Prerequisites: Senior standing, PSY 210, PSY 355/ MTH 345 and PSY 356; may be repeated for credit with consent of the department chair.

.50 to 1.00 credit

Students will complete an original empirical research project under the guidance of a full-time faculty member. Completion of an APA-style research report is required. (Presentation at a student research conference is expected; may require an incomplete grade for projects completed during the Fall Term.) A written research proposal and permission of the supervising faculty member and department chair are required prior to registration.

Prerequisites: Senior standing, PSY 210, PSY 355/ MTH 345, PSY 356, PSY 492 (for developing the proposal).

.50 to 1.00 credit

Students will develop an extensive literature review on a topic in psychology of their choosing. They will then write an APA Style review paper that critiques, analyzes and synthesizes the extant literature related to their topic. A brief proposal with a reading list and permission of the supervising faculty member and department chair are required prior to registration.

Prerequisites: Senior standing, PSY 210, PSY 355/MTH 345, PSY 356, PSY 492 (for developing the proposal).

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