Kathy Sexton-Radek

Kathy Sexton-Radek, Ph.D.

Professor, Psychology. Chair of the IRB and IACUC
Department of Psychology

Ph.D., Illinois Institute of Technology

Dr. Sexton-Radek teaches a number of courses including general psychology, abnormal psychology, health psychology, and psychological testing. Her research focuses on sleep medicine, pain management, assessment and behavioral medicine/health psychology.

  • First Year Seminar (FYS)
  • PSY 210 Introduction to Psychological Science
  • PSY 320 Current Applications in Psychology
  • PSY 327 Abnormal Psychology
  • PSY 328 Clinical and Counseling Psychology
  • PSY 348 Health Psychology
  • PSY 421 History of Psychology
  • PSY 422 Psychological Testing
  • PSY 424 Physiological Psychology

Dr. Sexton‑Radek’s research focuses on sleep medicine, pain management, assessment and behavioral medicine/health psychology. Her investigations of sleep quality in young adults has led to international, national, and regional peer‑reviewed publications and presentations. Elmhurst College students working as Research Assistants on those projects with substantive contributions have become co‑authors. She also works with the Night Ministry program “Dinner under the Stars” to feed Chicago’s homeless population. In addition, she also participates in “Psychology Day at the United Nations” sponsored program by accompanying Elmhurst College students programming at the United Nations in New York. Dr. Sexton‑Radek is the recipient of the Elmhurst College Excellence in Teaching Award.

In Dr. Sexton-Radek’s Sleep Laboratory, investigations are centered around themes of sleep quality in young adults, assessment of sleep disorders, naturalistic studies of circadian rhythm, descriptions of sleep mechanisms during stressful conditions and treatment outcome studies.

Additionally, laboratory members and Dr. Sexton-Radek focus on studies of athletic activities and motivations, effectiveness of health psychology interventions and the examinations of psychopharmacological interventions.

Student Research Assistants

Both current students and alumni of Elmhurst College assist with various research activities including literature review, data collection and analysis. Students also present original research ideas within the sleep medicine/health psychology field and conduct their studies in the Laboratory.

Many students have co-authored presentations and peer-reviewed publications through their dedicated collaboration with Dr. Sexton-Radek at the regional, national and international levels.

Left to right: Dylin Coons, Elizabeth Borek, Sandra Mohama

Publications 2017-2018

Sexton-Radek, K. (2017).  Insufficient Sleep Diagnosis Robust Enough for today’s Streamers/Netflix viewers and Social Network dependents?  Journal of Sleep Disorders.

Sexton-Radek, K.(2017). Chronic pain Pre-Surgical Assessments and Follow-Up Case Study.  Journal of Addiction Research & Therapy, 8:5. Doi 10.4172/2155-6105.10000241

Sexton-Radek, K.(2017).  Flu Shots for Health and Mental Health.  Journal of Lung, Pulmonary and Respiratory Research.

Sexton-Radek, K.(2017).  How to Balance High Popularity Low Empirical Evidence of Omega 3s?  Journal of Complementary Medicine and Alternative Care. ISSN:  2572-1232.

Sexton-Radek, K.(2017).  Quality Interprofessional communications in Sleep Medicine.  Journal of Sleep Medicine.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2017).  Herbal Medication Use Continues.  Sleep Medicine and Disorders International

Sexton-Radek, K. (2017). Summer Schedules affect Sleep Quality.  Journal of Sleep Disorders.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2017).  New considerations for Sleep Hygiene.  Journal of Sleep Disorders and Therapy.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2017). Clinical note of increased cases of Hyperthermia.  Neurology & Neurosurgery.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2017). Editorial Note. Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy, 6:2.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2017). What is Psychology’s Role with New Neuroimmunology Findings?  International Journal of Behavioral Research & Psychology.

Sexton-Radek, K., Chami, A., & Rubinfeld, A. (2017).  Chapter 6 Pain Management Strategies:  Some Uses of Antidepressant Medications and Nonpharmacological Approaches.  In Central Nervous System and Neurological Disorders.  Vol. 5, 215-217.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2018). Hurrah for Sleep Medicine! Journal of Sleep Medicine & Disorders.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2018). Handwashing:  New or old findings?  Journal of Public Health Policy & Planning.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2018). More Health Psychology Intervention needed to prevent Traumatic Brain Injuries.  Journal of Health Education Research & Development.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2018). Widely Used Rarely Studied:  OTC Sleep Aids.  Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2018). Case Title: My breathing disorder and now my sleep.  Insomnia Due to Medical Condition.  In International Classification Disorders-3 Casebook in Sleep Disorders Treatments. Illinois:  American Association for Sleep Medicine.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2018). College Student Sleep, the end of Summer and Plans for Sleep Health in the upcoming Fall term.  Journal of Sleep Disorders and Therapeutics. https://dx.doi.org/10.31579/jsdt.2018/003.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2018). Insufficient Sleep Disorder.  In:  American Association of Sleep Medicine Case Book of Sleep Medicine, 3rd Edition.  Illinois:  American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

Sexton-Radek, K. (2018). Sleep Deprivation in First Responders-How much of a contributing factor to reported suicide rates?  Journal of Sleep Disorders & Therapy.

Vohkamer*, A. & Sexton-Radek, K.  (2017).  Journal of Student Research (two articles).

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