Mladen Turk

Mladen Turk, Ph.D.
Baltzer Distinguished Chair of Theology and Religion; Professor and Chair, Religious Studies; Associate Director, Honors Program
Dr. Mladen Turk has taught at Elmhurst College since 2004 and in the Honors Program since 2006. Dr. Turk’s area of specialization is religion and science with a special focus on scientific theories of religion and methodology of the study of religion, but he teaches broadly in the areas of history of Christianity in 19th and 20th century and religious traditions of South Asia.
Dr. Turk studied philosophy, ethnology, Indology and theology in Zagreb, Croatia, received Master of Philosophy from University of Bergen, Norway, Master of Theology from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, and Doctor of Philosophy from Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, Zygon Center for Religion and Science.
Dr. Turk has published a textbook in philosophy, Logic: Exercises and Solutions (Logika: vjezbe, zadaci, rjesenja. 1995), a theoretical book Being Religious: Cognitive and Evolutionary Theories in Historical Perspective (2013), and recently edited volumes titled Interactive World, Interactive God: The Basic Reality of Creative Interaction (2017) and Human Becoming in an Age of Science, Technology, and Faith (2022).
Dr. Turk regularly leads students overseas for month-long courses to study the religions of India.
- HON 303 Religion and Science
- HON 350 Honors Program Directed Readings
- REL 240 World Religions
- REL 243 The Religions of India
- REL 323 Religion and Science
- REL 324 The Problem of God
- REL 328 The Problem of Evil
- REL 344 Religious Classics
- REL 347 Theories of Religion
- REL 430 Niebuhr Seminar
- REL 490 Senior Seminar
- UMAIE The Peoples and Religions of India (in India)