Major in Theatre Arts Education
The major in theatre arts education has as its primary purpose the preparation of students for positions in secondary schools as teachers of drama and theatre arts.
The major prepares students to become effective teachers by balancing theory and practical application and by giving students valuable insights in the operation of curricular and extracurricular programs in theatre. Students who plan to seek licensure should maintain a relationship with both the School of Education and the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences. Students are required to pass the Drama Theater Arts #210 Content Test prior to student teaching and the Teacher Performance Assessment (edTPA) prior to program completion.
Please note: Students seeking secondary teaching licensure in theatre are encouraged to consider obtaining an endorsement in secondary English Language Arts.
Required Courses
Students majoring in theatre arts education must take the core courses for the theatre major and the following six courses:
- THE 301 Voice and Movement for the Stage
- THE 325 Oral Interpretation
- THE 340 Creative Drama
- THE 424 Directing
- THE 440 Teaching PK-12 Theatre Arts
- ATA, ATD, ATT (private instruction in Acting, Directing, or Design and Technology; two terms at .50 credit)
One of the following:
- THE 238 Introduction to Design
- THE 328 Intermediate Design for the Stage
- THE 338 Costume Construction
- THE 428 Design for the Stage
NOTE: Students must complete the professional education requirements as established by the School of Education and the Illinois State Board of Education.
Core Courses
- THE 226 Acting Technique I
- THE 227 Development of the Theatre
- THE 228 Stagecraft
- THE 329 World Theatre and Drama in Cultural Contexts
- THE 350 Play Analysis
- Two of the following:
- THE 314 History of Musical Theatre
- THE 331 History of Western Theatre I
- THE 332 History of Western Theatre II
- One of the following:
- ENG 336 Contemporary Literature: Drama
- ENG 345 Shakespeare
- THE 470 Avant-Garde Theatre
- THE 471 Holocaust Theatre
- Theatre literature course
Theatre Practicum
Every musical theatre major is required to actively participate in theatre production at Elmhurst University. Enrollment in six terms total of THE 175/275/375/475 Theatre Practicum for credit or non-credit is required.
Secondary Education Licensure
Admission to the Teacher Education Program must be completed per School of Education requirements, and students must complete additional coursework as required by the education department. SEC 455 Student Teaching satisfies the theatre capstone requirement. Licensure requirements for the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) include, but are not limited to, content area tests, student teaching and professional portfolio.
Note that the ISBE rules may mandate changes in licensure requirements. See the School of Education for the most current information. Students seeking secondary licensure in theatre are encouraged to consider obtaining an endorsement in another discipline such as English/Language Arts. Students seeking licensure in other areas may obtain an endorsement in theatre. Contact the School of Education and the theatre program for further details.