Fall Testing Update
The following message was sent by the University’s COVID-19 Task Force to the campus community on Tuesday, Oct. 6, 2020:
Dear Faculty, Staff and Students:
As co-chairs of the COVID-19 Task Force, we wanted to provide a testing update. In September, we conducted 321 COVID-19 tests with only one positive result. We are very proud of the campus community for their diligence in wearing face masks, maintaining six feet of physical distancing, washing their hands, using hand sanitizer, and monitoring their symptoms.
We have heard from students that they never thought we would get through the first two weeks of Fall Term without the University sending everyone home. As we start the sixth week of the Term, we realize that we still have a long way to go until we reach finals. If we are going to make it through the end of the semester, we must remain vigilant.
Most medical experts believe the most difficult months are ahead of us. As the weather gets colder in October and November, we will be retreating indoors. Once indoors, COVID-19 will have less distance to travel, which raises the potential for community spread.
Now more than ever, the COVID-19 Task Force challenges everyone on campus to be as diligent as possible in adhering to the following mandates.
You must wear your face mask inside every building owned and operated by Elmhurst University. This includes areas like Founders Lounge. When you are not eating or drinking, your face mask must be worn.
Maintain at least six feet of physical distance from one another. Pulling the cafeteria tables together and crowding eight or 10 people around the table(s) is not physical distancing. Please do not move the tables, and follow the guidelines for the number of allowable patrons around each table.
Wash your hands as often as possible and for at least 20 seconds.
If you are not able to wash your hands frequently, please use the hand sanitizer stations located across campus.
Finally, continue to monitor your symptoms daily, including taking your temperature. If you develop symptoms, contact your physician or go to an immediate care center.
We speak often of the Elmhurst University community. In that spirit, we need everyone to work together to accomplish our goal of making it to the end of the semester with on-campus living and learning. Ignoring best practices or taking shortcuts will only lead to outbreaks. What you do on campus and off-campus can have a direct impact on the health and safety of all of us. As a reminder, you can always get the latest COVID-19 updates on the dedicated COVID-19 website, and you can direct questions or concerns to [email protected].
No one knows for sure when the COVID-19 pandemic will end. What we do know is that if we all abide by the mandates outlined above, we have a greater chance to keep each other safe and healthy.
On behalf of the COVID-19 Task Force, we thank you for your patience and understanding during these unprecedented times. Working together, we will protect the Bluejay community.
Dr. Phil Riordan, Vice President for Student Affairs
Dr. Dean Pribbenow, Vice President for Academic Affairs