To avoid expensive roaming fees, it is a good idea to purchase a U.S. based cell-phone plan upon arrival in the U.S.

While you can bring your cell phone from home and purchase a new SIM card in the U.S., most international phones are locked within the U.S. and eliminate this option. Most students will need to buy a new phone and either set up a prepaid or contract plan. Both options are outlined below.

Option 1: Prepaid Plans

  • “Prepaid” monthly plans allow you to pay one rate per month and do not require a contract. If you are bringing an UNLOCKED phone from home, you can just purchase a SIM card upon arriving in the US to set up your plan. Plans are affordable and often unlimited so you shouldn’t have any or many surprises on your bill.

Option 2: Contract Plans

  • Contract “postpaid” plans are a good option for students if they will be in the U.S. longer than 2 years since that is typically the amount of time a mobile contract.

Mobile stores near Elmhurst University

  • AT&T (150 South York Street)
  • Verizon (560 West St. Charles Road
  • T-Mobile (361 South Street #83)
  • Walmart Supercenter (Villa Park, IL)
  • Target (Villa Park, IL)


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