Programs of Study
Elmhurst University offers a selection of concentrations within the mathematics major, so you can tailor your education to suit your own professional ambitions.
We also offer a major in actuarial science and a mathematics minor. Throughout our curriculum, we stress that mathematics is the language of the quantitative world—and focus on the uses of mathematics and its descriptive power. This prepares our students to participate in an increasingly quantitative world.
Math students at Elmhurst also study the beauty and structure of mathematical properties. Since nature suggests so many of these properties, our studies frequently yield considerable information about the structure of nature itself.
We encourage students to reach beyond classwork by attending our weekly seminars, by guided readings of mathematics articles in upper-division classes, and by the development of a senior paper. Ultimately, we aim to prepare our students to have a sufficiently deep understanding of mathematics to independently and creatively solve wide-ranging complex problems and to understand the beautiful interconnections between various mathematical structures.