Teacher Leader Endorsement

Teacher Leader Endorsement

Format: Hybrid | Department: Education | Time to Complete: 1 Year | Total Estimated Tuition Costs: $9,450

The Teacher Leader Endorsement for the State of Illinois requires the completion of 18 semester hours of coursework and 75 hours of clinical practice. The endorsement program is designed to align course outcomes with the national Teacher Leader Model Standards.

The teacher leader endorsement requires 75 clinical hours distributed across the coursework in which future teacher leaders document their application of course concepts in their classrooms and school communities.

Teachers must have a master’s degree to have the endorsement applied to their license. Teachers without a master’s degree can complete the endorsement while completing the M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership.

Teacher Leadership Endorsement Courses

Teachers must complete five core courses (15 semester hours):

  • MTL 521 Building Professional and Community Relationships through Collaboration
  • MTL 528 Examining Issues and Trends in Teacher Leadership
  • MTL 536 Linking Assessment to Learning
  • MTL 538 Improving School Climate and Learning
  • MTL 597 Promoting Professional Development for School Improvement

Teachers must complete one of the following advocacy courses (3 semester hours):

  • MTL 532 Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom
  • MTL 542 Using School Law for Advocacy and Leadership
  • MTL 544 Cross-Cultural Studies for Teaching English Language Learners

Admission Requirements

To apply for admission to the program, please submit:

  • A completed application. Apply online.
  • Three letters of recommendation from educators/administrators who can attest to your leadership qualities, communication skills, personal motivation, and capacity to succeed in graduate study. These should be submitted as part of your online application.
  • A 1,000-word statement of purpose describing your personal and professional goals and how graduate study at Elmhurst University will help you achieve those goals.
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate institutions you have attended (Elmhurst University alumni do not need to request a copy of their Elmhurst transcripts).
  • A copy of your Illinois professional educator license.
  • A current résumé, including:
    • Teaching certification and endorsements with expiration and renewal dates.
    • Your undergraduate degree and graduate courses you’ve completed.
    • A record of your teaching experience with years of teaching clearly indicated.
    • Your professional development activities.
    • Information on leadership roles you’ve held in your school or community.


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