Summer Term Tuition and Fees

Undergraduate Summer Term Tuition

2026 Summer Term Tuition
Per CreditPer 0.25 Credit
2025 Summer Term Tuition
Per CreditPer 0.25 Credit
  • There are no technology fees assessed in the Summer Term.
  • All undergraduate courses at Elmhurst University are offered as one course credit or four semester hours unless otherwise indicated.

Graduate Student Summer Term Tuition

Graduate courses vary in course credit and tuition and fees depending on the specific graduate program. Students will be notified of their tuition-and-fees charges by the Office of Student Financial Services following registration for classes. Contact a graduate admission counselor for more information.

Payment for Summer Term

  • Payment in full of Summer Term charges is due May 15.
    • A 1% service charge will be added to all unpaid balances after May 15.
  • Payments can be made in several ways. Find out more about the payment options available.
  • Students are not eligible for their Elmhurst University financial aid in the Summer Term. Some students attending at least half-time may have limited eligibility for federal grants or loans.
  • For further information, call the Office of Student Financial Services at (630) 617-3015.

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