Chicago Tribune’s John Kass to Talk Politics Over Breakfast

January 4, 2013 | by the Office of Marketing and Communications

As the Page 2 columnist for the Chicago Tribune, John Kass has written about topics ranging from municipal corruption to geopolitics to beer-can chicken.

On January 15, 2013, less than a week before the inauguration of President Obama, Kass will lead a lively, early-morning breakfast discussion at Elmhurst College about Chicago politics and what it will mean to have Obama in the White House for another term.

The son of a Greek immigrant grocer, Kass was born on Chicago’s South Side and grew up there and in Oak Lawn. He has worked as a merchant marine sailor, a ditch digger and a waiter. As a film student at Columbia College in Chicago, he caught the journalism bug while working at the student newspaper, and later interned at the Daily Calumet before joining the Tribune in 1983.

Politics and Breakfast with John Kass is a Chicago Tribune Press Pass event produced in partnership with Elmhurst College. The event begins at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, January 15, in the main dining room of the Frick Center.

Admission is $30 and includes a full breakfast. Tickets may be purchased through TribNation events. For other information, call (630) 617-3390.

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