College to Give Arboretum Campus Tour on June 14

May 23, 2018 | by the Office of Marketing and Communications

The Elmhurst Cool Cities Coalition and Elmhurst College will host an evening walking tour of the Elmhurst College arboretum campus on Thursday, June 14.

A living museum of almost 900 trees representing more than 160 species, the Arboretum encompasses Elmhurst College’s entire 48-acre campus and has won Level II Accreditation from the Morton Register of Arboreta and Tree Campus USA® designation from the Arbor Day Foundation.

Among other things, tour guests will see:

  • The first oak tree planted for the Arboretum, dating from 1966
  • The one-of-a-kind Elmhurst Yew
  • A “living fossil” tree that can be traced back 150 million years
  • A tree from a species once thought to be extinct
  • A slice of the Memorial Elm that stood on campus since the time of Lincoln’s second inauguration.

The program also will cover some of the grounds management practices that demonstrate the College’s commitment to environmental sustainability. These include:

  • Two beehives with 24,000 Italian bees, installed on top of the Schaible Science Center
  • Large areas on the College Mall where clover is maintained for the bees
  • The use of organic fertilizer, primarily chicken manure from Pearl City, Ill., on the lawns to help prevent chemical run-off into the drainage system
  • An organic Heritage Garden that grows tomatoes, lettuce, onions, cabbage and other produce that is served in the College cafeteria and donated to local food pantries
  • Mulch beds around many trees that extend to the edge of the leaf canopy, or drip line. This practice mimics the forest floor and reduces the competition between the roots of trees and grass, promoting the health of both.

The Elmhurst Cool Cities Coalition asks tour guests to reserve their places at [email protected] or by calling (630) 426-9789. The tour begins at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 14, at Kranz Forum, east of the Frick Center.

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