Jack Moline is the president of Interfaith Alliance, a First Amendment advocacy organization seeking common ground among people of faith and adherents of philosophies in protecting faith and freedom.
A non-partisan group, it brings together members of 75 different faith communities for mutual support and understanding, and in opposition to those who would restrict either the establishment clause or the free exercise clause of the Constitution.
Rabbi Moline will present Praying With My Legs: Walking Through the Landmarks of Religious Liberty on Thursday, October 26, at Elmhurst College, part of the Abraham Joshua Heschel lecture series.
A native of Chicago, Moline is the rabbi emeritus of Agudas Achim Congregation in Alexandria, Va., where he served in the pulpit for 27 years. Rabbi Moline is an adjunct faculty member of the Jewish Theological Seminary and Virginia Theological Seminary. He also has served as chair of the Interfaith Relations Committee of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, and is a member of Rabbis Without Borders.
The Abraham Joshua Heschel Lecture will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 26, in the Founders Lounge of the Frick Center (190 Prospect Ave., Elmhurst, www.elmhurst.edu/campusmap). Admission is free and the public is invited. For more information, call (630) 617-5186.