Students to Feature Work at Research and Performance Showcase

May 5, 2015 | by the Office of Marketing and Communications

The 13th Annual Elmhurst College Research & Performance Showcase, which gives students from all disciplines an opportunity to share their scholarly activity and creative work with the College and the community, will be held on Thursday, May 7.

The Research and Performance Showcase gives students experience in presenting their academic work through oral or poster presentations, exhibits or performances, and enables them to engage with students outside their disciplines, as well as faculty members and staff, and the general public.

This year’s Showcase will feature presentations on a variety of subjects, including religion in contemporary French society; tourism as propaganda in the Israeli­Palestinian conflict; overcoming dormancy mechanisms in garlic mustard seeds; music education’s positive enhancement of fluid cognition; and creating “herstory” in Helena Maria Viramontes’ The Moths and Other Stories.

The presentations and performances will take place in several campus venues, and will conclude with an awards ceremony.

The Research and Performance Showcase will begin with an opening ceremony at 3:15 p.m. on Thursday, May 7, in the Buik Recital Hall of Irion Hall. After the opening ceremony, presentations and exhibits will be held in Circle Hall, Daniels Hall and the Founders Lounge of the Frick Center. A reception will be held in the Founders Lounge beginning at 6:00 p.m. A map of the campus is available here. The event is free and the public is invited.

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