The Elmhurst College World Music Series will celebrate the music of Russia during its main concert on Saturday, October 24.
The concert will feature the music of Russian composers Modest Mussorgsky, Victor Ewald and Alexander Borodin, and French composer Camille Saint-Saens.
Pianist Ani Gogova and violinist Samantha May will perform with the Elmhurst Philharmonic Orchestra. Special guest artists include the Niles West Symphony Orchestra Strings, the Elmhurst College Faculty Brass Quintet and the Elmhurst College Concert Choir.
Ani Gogova came to the U.S. to complete her Doctorate of Musical Arts at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. She has made her home in Chicago since 2003, when she became the youngest faculty member to join the Music Conservatory of the Chicago College of Performing Arts at Roosevelt University.
Samantha May is a member of the Illinois Philharmonic Orchestra, and freelances in the Chicago area. She is a former member of the Civic Orchestra of Chicago, the DePaul University Symphony Orchestra and the Baroque Orchestra of the Cleveland Institute, and served as concertmaster of the Case Western Reserve Orchestra. She earned her Master of Music degree at DePaul University.
The main concert of the Elmhurst College World Music Series will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 24, in Hammerschmidt Memorial Chapel. Admission is $10 for adults and free for Elmhurst College students, faculty and staff with a Jay Pass. To purchase tickets, or for more information about upcoming concerts, visit the World Music Series website. Tickets also may be purchased at the door. Group discounts are available by contacting Joanne May at (630) 617-3620.