Secondary Education Degree at Elmhurst University
Teaching is one of the most rewarding careers and remains an area of growth in the job market.
These programs are designed for students who are interested in pursuing a secondary education degree in order to teach grades K–12, 5–8, 5–12 or 9–12.
With education often cited as the single most determining factor in one’s future, graduates of the teacher licensure programs are given the resources to integrate the content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge they need to be effective, creative and inspiring educators for the 21st-century learner.
Grades PK-12 Licensure Programs
Grades 5–8 Licensure Programs
Grades 5–12 Licensure Programs
- Secondary Education & Mathematics
- Secondary Education & History or Political Science
- Secondary Education & Biology, Chemistry, or Physics
Grades 9–12 Licensure Programs
Secondary Education Core Courses
- SEC 421 (1.00): ALL
- SEC 100 (0.25): ALL
- SEC 300 (0.25): ALL
- SEC 310 (1.00) except Music Education
- TEL 317 (0.75) ALL
- EDU 360 (1.00) except K–12 and 9–12
- SEC 450 (0.25) ALL
- SEC 455/457 Student Teaching (3.00/2.00 music) ALL
- EDU 104 (1.00/0.75) ALL
- EDU 311 (1.00/0.75) ALL
- EDU 223* (1.00/0.75) or KIN 312 Physical Education for Children with Exceptionalities
*Check with the Department of Education for transferability.
Get Started with a Secondary Education Degree Today
Learn about admission requirements and how to apply.
Completing Secondary Education Prerequisites at a Community College
Planning to complete the program’s prerequisites at a community college prior to transferring? Use the advising sheets below to determine which courses you need to enroll in at the community college of your choice so you are prepared to apply to the SEC EDU program.