Faculty Resources
Policies and Recommendations
- Contact Dr. Mary Walsh to discuss Service Learning options and/or schedule a meeting with your class.
- Early in the semester, distribute and collect waivers from all students in the class, or engaged in any off‐campus activity. Keep originals for your records and send a copy of the complete packet of waivers to Service Learning at Mary Walsh, Old Main, 237. If sending through interoffice mail, email Mary Walsh at [email protected] that the waiver packet is on the way—she will confirm when received. Or, scan waivers and email as an attachment to [email protected]. It is the faculty member’s responsibility to ensure that a waiver is collected and filed for each service learner.
- Suggest or require that students serve with student partners or in small groups.
- Survey options for service learning via the Elmhurst University Service Learning webpage. Choose, or narrow options to those that best meet your Student Learning Outcomes. Mary Walsh can help do this.
- Advise students to review options early and to initiate contact with community partners as early as possible.
- Consider possibilities for reflective activities linked to service and course Student Learning Outcomes.
- The supervising faculty member determines how to track student hours or how to verify the hours served by students. Consider the options posted on our webpage.
- The Elmhurst University Service Learning Program has some limited funds available to support University Service Learning activities. See Application for Funding. Note: Student travel is not reimbursable except in extraordinary cases which have been specifically delineated and approved in advance.
- Reach out to us at Elmhurst University Service Learning for support! Call Dr. Walsh at (630) 617‐3085 or [email protected] or [email protected].