Academic Excellence

Elmhurst University fosters a culture of critical inquiry and engaged learning led by faculty who are experts in their fields, excellent instructors, and active scholars. Our academic programs integrate liberal learning and professional preparation to shape each student’s experience uniquely.

Strategic Priorities

Assess, review and expand academic programs and facilities

We believe our academic programs should be distinctive and expressive of our mission, our expertise, and the needs of the communities we serve, and that our new academic structure promotes and facilitates this aim. We will strengthen the assessment of student learning and our current academic program portfolio while pursuing new academic program opportunities and modalities at the undergraduate and graduate levels.

Strengthen and align academic support services with student needs

We believe our academic support services should be responsive to our current students, improve retention and lead to timely progress toward a degree. We will take action to ensure our student academic services are meeting the needs of all students, with a particular emphasis on advising, services for international and graduate students, and support for student health and well-being.

Expand and enrich experiential learning opportunities

We believe that curricular and co-curricular experiential learning opportunities – linking classroom learning to the broader community – are a hallmark of an Elmhurst University education. We will expand student participation in and support for experiential learning, with a particular focus on undergraduate research, study away, service learning and internships.

Strengthen faculty development

We believe that our faculty are foundational to our strength as an institution, and their development, because of the link to student learning, should be supported across their academic careers. We will expand faculty development programming and increase funding to support faculty and academic scholarly and pedagogical priorities, including the integration of technology to enhance teaching and learning. We will also study, develop and implement a plan to ensure faculty compensation is competitive, equitable and sustainable.

Encourage and invest in interdisciplinary efforts

We believe that interdisciplinarity is emblematic of good teaching and learning and the public purposes of the University, connecting and integrating disciplines to prepare students for work, life and citizenship. We will incentivize interdisciplinary offerings and scholarship that deepen student learning and leverage faculty expertise.

Foster educational partnerships

We believe that educational partnerships should enrich the student experience, encourage enrollment and support our alumni. We will expand the number of and support for high-quality campus, community and global partnerships in support of these aims

Deepen our focus on diversity, equity and inclusion

We believe that the curriculum, the classroom, and our faculty should reflect our commitments to diversity, equity and inclusion. We will pursue initiatives that diversify our faculty and ensure our teaching and learning environment fosters inclusion and a sense of belonging, with a particular emphasis on achieving the aims outlined in La Promesa Azul (The Blue Promise) Title V grant.

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