National Church Associates

If you’re a leader in a United Church of Christ congregation, we invite you to join us in strengthening the bonds between the church and the University.

Connecting the University and the Church

The National Church Associates of Elmhurst University (NCA) brings together UCC pastors and other church leaders to serve as ambassadors for the University. Members share the Elmhurst University story, encourage potential students to apply for admission, and provide service and ministry opportunities for Elmhurst University students.

National Church Scholars

Each year, the University invites a different national UCC leader to spend a day on campus, meeting with students and engaging in discussion about how the University and the church can work together to address some of today’s most pressing issues.

NCA Membership

We invite you to join more than 180 leaders from 25 states on the NCA team. Membership is open to:

  • All UCC pastors
  • Lay leaders within UCC congregations
  • Representatives from regions and church bodies with historic and special relationships with the University
  • Representatives from the University’s Board of Trustees
  • The chaplain and co-chaplains of the University and the chaplain’s staff
  • Representatives from the Executive Committee of the University’s Spiritual Life organization
  • Council and members of the Steering Committee of the UCC Student Fellowship
  • Other individuals invited by the University’s president

The NCA is advised by an executive committee of local pastors.

To join the National Church Associates of Elmhurst University or refer a student to the University, please contact Rev. H. Scott Matheney.

Rev. H. Scott Matheney

Office of the Chaplain

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