Ilana Feld

Ilana Feld, M.S., CCC-SLP
Clinical Assistant Professor, Communication Sciences and Disorders
B.S., Rice University in Psychology
M.S., Purdue University
Certificate of Clinical Competence, Speech-Language Pathology
Ms. Feld is experienced in treating individuals with neurological injuries across their lifespan. Her work is focused on improving life participation among adults with neurological conditions impacting language, speech, and cognition. Special interests include aphasia (and Primary Progressive Aphasia), Traumatic Brain Injury, and Post-Acute Sequelae of Covid-19.
Ms. Feld completed her clinical fellowship year and worked for almost ten years as a clinician in Day Rehabilitation sites at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (now known as the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab). In this role, she worked on interdisciplinary teams including other speech-language pathologists, occupational and physical therapists, social workers, psychologists, physiatrists, and vocational rehabilitation specialists to evaluate and develop treatment plans for children and adults with neurogenic cognitive, language, voice, speech, and swallowing disorders.
She also served as an SLP in the Intensive Chicago Aphasia Program four times, in which she evaluated and developed treatment plans for adults with aphasia in intensive individual and group treatment settings.
Immediately prior to joining Elmhurst University, Ms. Feld worked in Nashville, TN, at an outpatient rehabilitation clinic at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. This position allowed her to continue her focus on language, speech, and cognition, as she worked with individuals with acute and chronic conditions, as well as degenerative disorders, including Primary Progressive Aphasia, Alzheimer’s Disease, Huntington’s Disease, ALS, and other rare neurologic conditions. She conducted evaluations and treatment using high and low-tech assistive devices for individuals with these conditions.
At Vanderbilt University and other sites, she presented on evaluation and treatment of cognitive sequelae resulting from mild Traumatic Brain Injury (concussion). Most recently, she worked with the team at Vanderbilt to develop evaluation and treatment techniques for individuals experiencing Post-Acute Sequelae of Covid-19 Syndrome or “Long Covid” and presented this information at the Tennessee Speech and Hearing Association Convention (2021) and Medical Speech Pathology: Best Practices at Vanderbilt (2022).
Ms. Feld is teaching Language Disorders in Adults and Voice Disorders, and supervising graduate clinicians leading individual and group treatment sessions at the Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic at Elmhurst University.