John Jeffrey

Fax: 630-617-3739
Mailbox: 131
Dr. Jeffrey focuses his research on programming language semantics, programming language translation systems, concurrency theory and parallel system architectures. He applies his research to intelligent systems related to the areas of robot planning systems, image analysis, and the Internet of Things.
He has been teaching 35 years at Elmhurst College and has kept current through his research and as a consultant in the software industry. He revises the CSIS curricula to provide students with relevant knowledge and course content to prepare students for jobs and to be able to continue learning after graduation.
He has industry experience working as a software developer for statistics research departments and as a scientific programmer for companies serving as sub-contractors for NASA. He has done research in new software architectures and software translation systems for major communication companies. He has served as a trainer for new software systems for large audit firms.
- CS 220 Computer Science I
- CS 255 Computer Science II
- CS 318 Object-Oriented Design and Implementation in C++
- CS 320 Data Structures and Analysis of Algorithms
- CS 418 Artificial Intelligence
- CS 419 Java and Web-Programming
- CS 420 Operating Systems
- CS 475 Software Engineering