Course offerings reflect the 2024-2025 catalog. One unit of credit equals four semester hours.
The chemistry of real-world examples is studied through illustrations and demonstrations taken from ordinary substances, objects and processes of the natural world. Topics include: atomic and molecular structures, water, acids and bases, organic and biochemistry, drugs, energy and pollution. Includes laboratory.
No prerequisite. Open to any non-science major. Does not satisfy the requirements for a chemistry or biochemistry major.
This course is primarily designed for pre-nursing students but is open to students in non-science disciplines as well. The principles of general chemistry are covered, including: atomic structure, bonding, chemical change, stoichiometry, gas laws, energy relationships, equilibrium, acids and bases, rates of reactions and nuclear processes. Emphasis is placed on the application of the course material to health and environmental issues. Includes laboratory.
High school chemistry recommended. Fall Term.
This course focuses on the study of organic functional groups, characterization of related compounds and reactions. Biochemistry includes bioenergetics, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, enzymes, lipids, nucleic acids and related biochemical metabolisms.
Prerequisite: CHM 101. Spring Term.
This course explores food composition and digestion, topics that lie at the cross sections of both chemistry and biology. The exploration of food will begin from a chemical perspective. Students will learn about the chemical makeup and interactions of fats, oils, sugars and proteins. The class will then explore how the human body digests each of these molecules and obtains the nutrients needed for survival. Students’ understanding of the role of food in our lives will be enriched through discussions of contemporary debates involving food. Some of the topics may include the impact of high-fructose syrup, the lack of food in local and global communities, food regulation, and the role of food in education.
Includes laboratory. No prerequisite.
This class explores the natural world through the theme of color. The chemistry behind the color of everyday objects such as neon lights, fireworks, natural and synthetic dyes and gemstones will be used to introduce fundamental chemical concepts. Concepts include atomic structure; chemical bonding; chemical reactions; solution chemistry; structure of molecules and solids; organic functional groups; and properties of gases, liquids and solids. The relationship of chemistry to other fields such as physics, life sciences, earth science, art and modern technology will be discussed throughout the course. Primarily for non-science majors. This course is offered online with required in-class laboratory meetings.
Includes laboratory. No prerequisite.
No prerequisite.
This course is designed to strengthen a student’s understanding of physical science concepts and the nature of scientific inquiry. Students collaborate with faculty and classmates on scientific inquires to answer driving questions. The perspective and knowledge gained from these inquiries will aid students as they examine their own physical science misconceptions and construct new understandings.
Cross-listed with PHY 107. Includes laboratory.
Prerequisite: ECE/SEC/SPE 200 or concurrent enrollment. Spring Term.
This course examines chemistry concepts through the study of environmental issues. Issues include air pollution, ozone depletion, energy, nuclear power, climate change and water quality. Solutions to environmental problems depend on progress in science and technology, as well as political decisions and prevailing ethical value systems.
Includes laboratory. No prerequisite.
No prerequisite.
This is a theme-based science course focusing on energy resources and how our use of these resources influences our natural environment. Physical science topics will be introduced in parallel with consideration of fossil fuels, nuclear power, electricity generation, fuels for transportation, renewable and alternative energy strategies, environmental consequences of energy use and climate variability. Sustainability concepts will be discussed in the context of consideration of the world’s future energy needs.
Includes laboratory. No prerequisite.
This course will cover the basic principles of chemistry needed to understand the chemistry of biological systems. The course is intended for those who wish to enter the nursing profession. The class will include laboratory and recitation sessions. Broadly, the class will focus on general and organic chemistry principles that will allow students to understand the biochemistry of biological molecules at the molecular level. The laboratory will focus on helping students understand the scientific method using topics discussed in the lecture.
Includes laboratory.
Prerequisite: MTH 121. Spring Term.
Topics covered include the following: stoichiometry, atomic structure, chemical bonding, aqueous solution chemistry, gases, liquids and solid state and solution properties. Designed for students pursuing science-oriented career paths (e.g., chemistry, biology, premedical, pre–physical therapy).
Prerequisites: high school chemistry; concurrent registration for a laboratory session is required. Fall Term, Summer Term.
Topics include the following: thermodynamics, kinetics, equilibrium applied to acid base theory and solubility, electrochemistry, nuclear chemistry, descriptive chemistry of selected elements and coordination chemistry. Designed for students pursuing science-oriented career paths.
Prerequisites: CHM 101 or CHM 211 or equivalent; concurrent registration for a laboratory session is required. Spring Term, Summer Term.
This one-term course is a combination of CHM 211 and 212 specifically designed for students with strong backgrounds in chemistry and mathematics. Topics include stoichiometry, thermodynamics, atomic and molecular structure, kinetics and equilibrium. Students will participate in module or project driven laboratory exercises.
Corequisite: MTH 151 (or higher) for chemistry majors. Prerequisites: AP chemistry score of 2.0 or higher, or member of the Honors Program or consent of instructor. Fall Term.
Wet chemical and classical instrumental methods (electrochemical and spectrophotometric), sampling and separation techniques and data evaluation methods are presented. Includes laboratory.
Prerequisites: CHM 212 or CHM 220 and MTH 132 or higher. Spring Term.
Emphasizes the fundamental principles necessary for understanding synthetic applications. The basic functional groups are discussed with respect to bonding, properties, preparations and reactions. Reaction mechanisms are studied and applied to specific cases. Stereochemistry is studied.
Prerequisites: CHM 212 or equivalent; concurrent registration for a laboratory session is required. Fall Term, Summer Term.
A continuation of functional group study with emphasis on synthetic applications. Methods of structure proof (IR, UV, NMR, mass spectroscopy) are applied.
Prerequisites: CHM 311; concurrent registration for a laboratory session is required. Lab has an emphasis on synthetic and physical organic experiments. Spring Term, Summer Term.
This course focuses on principles of polymerization in relation to synthesis, chemical structure and properties. Methods of synthesis and processing are related to physical and chemical characteristics and polymer composition. Course topics include the chemistry of important commercial synthetic and natural polymers.
Prerequisite: CHM 312.
.75 credit
This course focuses on the study of biochemical systems including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, vitamins, hormones, corresponding metabolic pathways, and energetic and kinetic analysis of representative biochemical systems. Lecture only, no laboratory.
Prerequisites: CHM 312 and consent of the instructor. Fall Term.
.25 credit
This course includes the techniques used in modern biochemistry labs.
Co- or prerequisite: CHM 314. Taking both CHM 314 and CHM 315L equate to CHM 315 and meet the LS AoK designation.
This course focuses on the study of biochemical systems including carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, enzymes, nucleic acids, vitamins, hormones, corresponding metabolic pathways, and energetic and kinetic analysis of representative biochemical systems.
Includes laboratory.
Prerequisite: CHM 312. Fall Term.
Topics include intermediary (anabolic) metabolism of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, plant metabolism (e.g. photosynthesis), study of nucleic acids and protein synthesis and membrane transport.
Prerequisite: CHM 315. Spring Term.
A study of the chemical and instrumental methods of structural identification of organic compounds. The laboratory incorporates modern spectroscopic techniques of IR, NMR, mass spectroscopy, UV; chromatographic separation techniques of TLC, GC, HPLC and column chromatography; and classical methods of analysis. Includes laboratory.
Prerequisite: CHM 312.
.25 or .50 credit
Participation in guided collaborative research with a faculty member for credit. Specific literature research and laboratory experiments will be carried out, culminating in a final paper and/or appropriate public dissemination of the research methods and findings. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisites: CHM 211 and 212 or CHM 220; consent of the supervising instructor.
An introduction to atomic and molecular quantum mechanics, molecular symmetry and chemical applications of group theory, applications to atomic and molecular spectroscopy, molecular orbital theory and computational chemistry. Laboratory principles and procedures are integrated with and satisfied by CHM 413, CHM 422-426.
Prerequisites: CHM 212, MTH 152, PHY 121 (PHY 121 may be taken concurrently). Fall Term.
A systematic study of thermodynamics with applications to gases, liquids and solids, real and ideal mixtures, solution and phase equilibria and chemical reactions. An introduction to statistical mechanics and its application to spectroscopy and kinetics. A study of advanced kinetics including mechanisms and surface phenomena. Includes laboratory.
Prerequisites: CHM 212, CHM 412, MTH 152, PHY 122 (PHY 122 may be taken concurrently). Spring Term.
This class pays special attention to topics of current interest to the organic chemist, including kinetic studies, molecular orbital calculations, linear free energy relations, structure-reactivity relationships, orbital symmetry relations, addition, elimination, substitution, rearrangement and photochemical reactions. The emphasis of this course is on reaction mechanisms for the synthetic reactions studied.
Prerequisites: CHM 312 and 412 or consent of instructor.
.75 course credit
This class focuses on the theory and instrumentation used for spectroscopic (UV-Vis, atomic absorption and emission, and fluorescence) and chromatographic (gas and liquid) techniques as well as capillary electrophoresis.
Lab is included.
Prerequisite: CHM 221. Pre/corequisite: CHM 412.
.50 credit
This class includes the theory and instrumentation used for electroanalytical (potentiometry, coulometry and voltammetry), infrared spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and mass spectrometry techniques. Lab activities focused on structural interpretation and determination are included.
Prerequisites: CHM 221, 312.
Theories of atomic structure, bonding, periodicity and geometric structure are used to describe the properties and reactivities of inorganic compounds with emphasis on several main groups: acids and bases, oxidizing and reducing agents, solid state and transition metal coordination compounds. Includes laboratory with emphasis on synthesis and analysis of inorganic compounds.
Prerequisite: CHM 412 or consent of instructor. Fall Term, alternate years. (CHM 412 may be taken concurrently.)
.50 or 1.00 credit
Topics vary each term to reflect current student and faculty interests and timely topics in the chemical literature. Examples include advanced organic chemistry, environmental chemistry, industrial organic chemistry, computational chemistry, advanced physical chemistry, organometallic chemistry and organic synthesis.
Laboratory may be included. May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
Provides selected chemistry and biochemistry students with an opportunity to obtain career experience through involvement with chemistry/biochemistry-related businesses, environmental or health care organizations, government agencies or institutions. May be taken during the regular term with part-time employment of seven to 13 hours weekly for .50 credit, or 14 to 17 hours weekly for 1.00 credit. Summer Term and January Term experiences may also be possible (hours per week will be adjusted accordingly). Applications should be made early in the term preceding registration and will be reviewed on the basis of academic and professional progress, faculty recommendation and demonstrated interest.
Repeatable for credit. Pass/No Pass grading. Approved project-based internships may be substituted for CHM 494 in the capstone sequence with prior approval of the department if CHM 496 and CHM 499 are completed in conjunction with the internship project. Such internships will receive A-F grading.
Prerequisite: Departmental approval.
.25, .50 or 1.00 credit
This course enables chemistry majors capable of independent work to pursue specialized or advanced topics by doing independent reading, assigned work or structured laboratory experiments.
May be repeated for credit.
Permission of the supervising instructor is required prior to registration.
.50 or 1.00 credit
This course enables chemistry majors to plan and execute a research project for credit. This course is required of every student majoring in chemistry and is designed to prepare the student for the level of independent work required in industry, science teaching or post-baccalaureate study. Specific literature research and laboratory experiments must be carried out, culminating in a final paper and an appropriate public dissemination of the research methods and findings. Students generally complete CHM 496 the term prior to enrolling in CHM 494.
May be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite: CHM 496. Permission of the supervising instructor is required prior to registration.
.50 credit
This course gives Honors Program students the opportunity to design and implement a significant research project in the field of chemistry, culminating in an appropriate public dissemination of research methods and findings. This research must build upon previous coursework taken within the major or minor, facilitating faculty supervision and guidance. Fulfills the CHM 494 core requirement with permission.
Repeatable for credit. Permission of the faculty supervisor and the director of the Honors Program required prior to registration.
.25 credit
This is a seminar course designed to prepare students for independent research. Students will be introduced to chemical research methods through class activities, occasional speakers and instruction designed to introduce chemical information sources such as commercial databases and Internet resources. Students will explore the chemical literature in their proposed research area, conduct a literature review on the proposed topic and prepare a research plan to be carried out under the direction of a faculty member.
Required of all chemistry majors. Students generally complete CHM 496 the term prior to enrolling in CHM 494.
May not be taken concurrently with CHM 497, CHM 498 or CHM 499. Prerequisite: CHM 312.
.25 credit
This is a seminar course designed to advance students’ understanding of the chemical profession, the chemical literature and current research areas in chemistry. This course will assist students in understanding the body of information that constitutes the chemical literature and is structured to help students develop the skills required to effectively and efficiently utilize and communicate that literature as professional chemists. Students will use printed tools, commercial databases, Internet resources, conduct literature reviews, and participate in discussions, and talks focused on contemporary research topics.
Required of all chemistry majors. May not be taken concurrently with CHM 496, CHM 498 or CHM 499.
Prerequisite: CHM 312.
.25 credit
This is a seminar course designed to continue to advance students’ understanding of the chemical profession, the chemical literature and current research areas in chemistry, building on the foundation developed in Chemistry Literature Seminar I. In particular, this course emphasizes the development of oral communication skills in chemistry through class activities, multiple presentations and occasional speakers emphasizing contemporary chemical research. Coursework culminates in a final technical presentation highlighting a current area of research from the recent literature.
Required of all chemistry majors. May not be taken concurrently with CHM 496, CHM 497 or CHM 499.
Prerequisites: CHM 312, CHM 496, CHM 497.
.25 credit
This is a seminar course that serves as a capstone to the chemistry major’s undergraduate research experience. This course emphasizes the development of oral communication skills in chemistry through class activities, multiple presentations, discussion of current research projects and occasional speakers. This course culminates in the student presenting a final technical presentation highlighting the results of the student’s own undergraduate research project and dissemination of the research results to the larger community.
Required of all chemistry majors. Students generally enroll in CHM 499 the term after completing CHM 494 (or concurrently). May not be taken concurrently with CHM 496, CHM 497 or CHM 498.
Prerequisites: CHM 312, CHM 496, CHM 494 or CHM 495 (CHM 497, CHM 498 recommended).