Mission and Learning Outcomes


The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry endeavors to provide an excellent and inclusive educational experience in chemistry and biochemistry for a variety of learners.

We prepare our majors for diverse career goals such as direct employment in the chemical or biochemical industry, entry into graduate or professional programs, or careers in secondary school teaching by emphasizing:

  • Hands-on experiences with modern instrumentation;
  • Independent research;
  • Critical thinking;
  • Computer skills;
  • Scientific communication skills.

We seek to provide all Elmhurst students with a fundamental understanding of chemical principles and scientific reasoning skills that will enable them to make informed decisions about issues relating to science and society.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of a chemistry or biochemistry program, students are able to meet the following Student Learning Objectives are described below.

Upon completion of the program, students are able to:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of conventional facts and theories in: a) analytical chemistry b) biochemistry c) inorganic chemistry d) organic chemistry and e) physical chemistry as presented in standard textbooks in these areas.
  2. Demonstrate mastery of: a) basic laboratory skills b) common instruments in the areas of spectroscopy, electrochemistry and chromatography and c) safe chemical handling.
  3. Demonstrate discipline-specific computer skills, including use of software for word processing, spreadsheet calculations, database applications, graphing and curve fitting, data acquisition, instrument control, and molecular modeling/computational chemistry.
  4. Demonstrate growth in understanding of chemical science and general scientific skills through involvement in: a) real-world problem solving and b) experimental design.
  5. Demonstrate excellent a) oral and b) written communication skills, particularly through production of descriptive reports and oral presentations on individual chemical and physical studies or the scientific work of others.
  6. Demonstrate growth and understanding of ethical issues and inclusion in science within a diverse, global society.

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