Joseph Elliott

Joseph P. Elliott, Ed.D.
Assistant Professor and Program Director of Elementary Education
Dr. Elliott holds a B.S.Ed. in bilingual/bicultural education from Loyola University Chicago, an M.A. in reading education from Concordia University Chicago, and an Ed.S. in educational leadership from National Louis University.
He worked in a two-way immersion dual language program for seven years teaching first and third grades in Spanish and English. Dr. Elliott earned his Ed.D. from Loyola University Chicago in curriculum and instruction, specializing in measurement and quantitative methodology.
He worked as a graduate assistant in the School of Education at Loyola University Chicago for three years as a researcher, instructor, and student teaching supervisor. His research and teaching focus on teacher education for culturally and linguistically diverse contexts, bilingual education, and English language learners.
His current research uses mixed methods and structural equation modeling to explore relationships across ideologies, policies, and practices in dual language education in the United States, including programs facing equity-focused challenges and opportunities.
He is a member of the American Educational Research Association, American Association for Applied Linguistics, American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, English Learners Advocacy Council in Higher Education, Illinois Committee for Effective Literacy, and Mid-Western Educational Research Association.