Students in Elmhurst’s Department of Education are eligible to apply for a number of special scholarships.
Explore these scholarships in the accordions below.
Elmhurst University is one of more than 53 Illinois institutions whose education students are eligible to receive scholarships from the Golden Apple Foundation, best known for its Excellence in Teaching awards.
Golden Apple Scholars receive up to $23,000 in scholarship funding and paid summer training opportunities over the course of four college years with the understanding that they will teach in high-need schools in Illinois for at least five years upon graduating and meeting requirements for state teaching licensure.
Because Elmhurst and its Department of Education are active members of the Associated Colleges of Illinois (ACI), education majors at Elmhurst are eligible to apply for several financial aid opportunities offered by ACI. In addition, the Department of Education has successfully partnered with other ACI colleges and universities to support ongoing partnerships between colleges and schools.
Our teacher education students benefit from the many rich field and professional opportunities supported by the ACI grants.
Promoting Inclusiveness and Diversity in Education (PRIDE) Submission Due Date: Yearly by June 15 (fall) and December 15 (spring)
The Noyce PRIDE application is submitted prior to a student’s third year in a college/university. Applicants must pursue a major in biology, chemistry, physics or mathematics with the goal to teach STEM in secondary schools or grades 5-12 in mathematics. This is a competitive scholarship. Applicants are judged and interviewed by a committee that will review all Noyce PRIDE applications. The committee will develop a list of rank-ordered candidates based on their academic merit, interest in STEM teaching, ethnic, racial, language diversity and potential to contribute to and/or support inclusion in middle and secondary STEM classrooms (5–12).
These scholarships were established by John A. and Betty R. Stastny in recognition and memory of the lifelong commitment to excellence in education demonstrated by Raymond L. and Mary F. Whitener. In establishing this endowment, the Stastnys also acknowledge the Union Church of Hinsdale, where they and the Whiteners were active members.
Whitener Scholars are expected to exemplify, and instill in others, a lifelong desire to learn, the ability to solve problems and thinking clearly and independently, and a sense of obligation to not only sustain and improve oneself, but also to contribute to the betterment of the larger society.
Several scholarships are awarded annually:
- $8,000 Undergraduate Teaching Scholarships to PK-12 teacher candidates in their junior year. Each scholarship is up to $4,000 per year for two years.
- $10,000 Graduate Teaching Scholarships for graduate students entering the M.Ed. in Early Childhood Special Education or the M.Ed. in Teacher Leadership. Each scholarship is up to $5,000 per year for two years.
- $1,500 Student Teacher Scholarships for a student teacher during the student teaching semester.
- $1,500 Professional Development Scholarships for a licensed teacher returning to advance studies who is completing two or more courses at Elmhurst University.
For more information, contact Department of Education Chair Jeanne White.
The Daniel Murphy Scholarship Fund helps provide opportunities and other assistance to Chicago students from under-resourced neighborhoods. More information can be found on the DMSF website.
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission provides this state-funded scholarship to encourage students who represent minority groups (Black/African-American, Hispanic-American, Asian-American, Native American, or who has the Seal of Biliteracy or passed a Target Language Proficiency exam) to pursue a career as a teacher.