Report a Crime or Incident

We encourage all members of our community to report emergencies, crimes and other issues as soon as possible.

Report an Emergency

In the event of a criminal or other emergency, we strongly encourage you to immediately call Public Safety at (630) 617-3000, or ext. 3000 from a campus phone. You can also call the Elmhurst Police by dialing 9-911 from a campus phone.

Make an Anonymous (Non-Emergency) Report

To make an anonymous report of criminal activity or other concerns:

  • Submit the Silent Witness form to report non-urgent issues regarding safety, security or criminal intent.

Report Harassment or Sexual Misconduct

Report an incident or get assistance with reporting from the Office of Student Affairs. You can also reference our Title IX pages for information about reporting an incident of harassment or sexual misconduct related to students and employees of the University.

Report a Campus Conduct Issue

If you have concerns about code of conduct violations, theft, fraud, bribery, discrimination, harassment, or similar workplace issues at Elmhurst, you can make a confidential report in one of the following ways:

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