Michelle Applebee

Michelle Applebee, Ph.D.

Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry; Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry

Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry, University of North Dakota
Research Areas: Environmental analysis, analytical method development, water analysis

Dr. Applebee came to Elmhurst in 2000, after completing her Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry at the University of North Dakota. In 2001-2002, only her second year at Elmhurst, she received the Elmhurst College President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching, Elmhurst’s college-wide teaching award. Her research focuses on method development for the determination of water contaminants using a thickness shear mode resonator, sensor development for biological and environmental analytes, and analysis of our campus permeable paver parking lot. She undertook a sabbatical leave as a Visiting Scientists at Argonne National Laboratory where she worked with electronic noses. Dr. Applebee teaches courses quantitative analysis, instrumentation, glassblowing, first year chemistry course for science majors and pre-nursing students, and forensic chemistry. She spent much of this year overseeing our laboratory and stockroom renovation. Dr. Applebee has been extremely active on campus, serving on many committees including the Academic Council, the Advisory Council for Strategic Planning and the Transfer Task Force. Dr. Applebee is the faculty advisor for the Student Affiliates of the American Chemical Society and is known for her dedication to student learning and advising.

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