Alice Grubb

Alice Grubb

Alice Grubb

Adjunct Faculty, Music
Department of Music

Alice Grubb serves as the Professor of K-12 Music Methods Class at Elmhurst University. Prior to her appointment at Elmhurst, she taught at Townline Elementary (Vernon Hills, IL), Palm Beach County Schools (Boynton Beach, FL), and Cabell County Schools (Huntington, WV). She received her Bachelor of Music Education from Marshall University (Huntington, WV), and her Master of Arts degree in Educational Leadership from Saint Xavier University.

Alice has served as guest conductor for “Spotlight on Young Musicians” at the Kravis Center in West Palm Beach, FL, Honors Chorus in Melbourne and Cocoa Beach, Florida. She received an Award of Recognition from the Palm Beach County Schools for “I Make a Difference” and “The Dwyer Award.” She is currently an adjudicator in various districts in Illinois.

Mrs. Grubb is an active member of the Illinois Music Education Association, the NationaI Association for Music Education and American Orff-Schulwerk Association. Outside of her musical endeavors, Mrs. Grubb enjoys spending time with her husband Larry, a retired social worker from Libertyville High School (Libertyville, IL), who is currently a therapist at Gurnee Counseling Center.

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