Campus Employment

Elmhurst offers a variety of opportunities for students to work on campus to gain experience and earnings.

All students may apply for campus jobs, but some jobs are reserved for students who have been awarded Federal Work-Study as part of their financial aid packages.

Types of Employment

  • Federal Work-Study (FWS) is awarded as part of the Financial Aid package based on FAFSA results. FWS is typically funded by the federal government as well as Elmhurst University. Elmhurst University Funded Employment (CWS) is considered “regular” student employment and is 100% funded by the Elmhurst University department that employs the student.

How to Apply for Student Employment

  1. Check the job posting page myElmhurst Portal. Fall job openings are posted after July 1.
  2. Contact the supervisor of the position you are interested in to apply and request an interview.

  3. Students who are unable to secure a position on their own may contact Student Financial Services for assistance. Please note that a Federal Work Study award does not guarantee a job.
  4. Once you are hired, you will be required to submit the following paperwork prior to your first day of work through Dropbox Sign. Self-Service direct deposit information should be completed within 3 business days of your start date:

International Students will be able to generate many of the above forms through the completion of their Sprintax account setup. In addition to the above mentioned forms, international students will need to submit a tax summary report after completing their Sprintax account setup at The forms are available online and in Student Financial Services. Original documents establishing identity and employment eligibility are also required.

Additional Information

Students may not work on campus more than 20 hours per week during the academic year. There are also limits to the amount of money a student may earn through the Federal Work Study Program. After reaching their earnings limit, FWS students may sometimes continue working under the Elmhurst University Funded Employment (CWS) program with the approval of their supervisor.

Hourly pay rates are based on the job level and on your skills and experience. All student employees earn at least minimum wage. The type of employment, Federal Work Study or Elmhurst University (CWS), has no impact on the rate of pay.

Student employees are paid every two weeks. Your pay can be direct deposited to your bank account or student account at Elmhurst University, or deposited to a Visa PayCard. You can choose your form of payment when completing your direct deposit setup.

Students often encounter confidential information in the course of their on-campus work. A breach of confidentiality will result in termination of employment. If you are uncomfortable handling confidential information, speak to your supervisor immediately. You should also speak to your supervisor if you are not comfortable performing an assigned task for any reason.

Report any on-the-job accidents or injuries to your supervisor and to Human Resources immediately.

Student employees are expected to fulfill the following responsibilities:

  • Remain in their position for the entire academic year (unless the position is temporary), except in cases of serious illness or failure to maintain a satisfactory academic record.

  • Accurately log your hours worked using the University’s electronic timekeeping system.
  • Perform job-related duties to the best of your ability.
  • Discuss any job-related problems with your supervisor as soon as possible.

Designed to boost the professional skills of student employees, the STEP program hosts workshops throughout the year on topics such as:

  • Business Etiquette
  • Resume and Interviewing Tips
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Non-Verbal Communication
  • Diversity in the Workplace
  • Stress Management
  • Professionalism in the Workplace
  • Career Exploration

STEP also sponsors an annual Spring celebration honoring all Elmhurst University student employees.

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